Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

So driving down the highway the 110 speed dropped to 0.
I pulled over where I could, got out and walked into the thickly covered bush.
The first thought was, hopefully being so thick with dry shrubs I will disturb a snake and it can have a bite, then maybe a tree will just happen to fall and take me with it.
I'd had enough, chest pounding, eye's starting to tear and throat dry, but not dry enough to stop my scream of abandonment to the goddess....
" MOTHERRRRRR ...... why... why are you doing this to me, what have I done to disrespect you in such away that you wont help, your not here when I need you, why is it I tell every one of your love, your grace and your wisdom, yet I'm drowning, my heart's pounding and feels like it's going to explode, my minds going a thousand miles an hour as to what or why you left me here in all this shit....."
A rustle in the bush, good, finally a snake, I wait for the bite but nothing comes, I turn, in front of me was a tree trunk which split's and becomes duel, branches tuck into two outstretch arms and the tree top tilt's back as like hair being flipped and before me stand's the most beautiful human I have ever seen......
" I have not abandoned you"
her voice soft, loving, direct and with a breeze it swirls around my head....
" You have abandoned yourself ", the Goddess continued,
" You have put pressures on yourself and ask of yourself thing's that can not be controlled by you or me".
"There are many Element's that control our surrounding's, but only a few will fall in your favour, the rest must be helped, persuaded and moved to reach your desired outcome, this will not happen by purely praying, it must be done by believing and doing.
" I have been here and will remain here for all eternity with you and shall never abandon you. It is within your own weakness that you forget of the strength that is within, It is within your own weakness that stop's you from continuing to fight for what is the path that you have chosen".
The Goddess moved closer, her head tilted , " I am but the incubus and you my greatest achievement, along with all my other children, but happiness is not delivered within my breath, nor breast, nor the brightness of my day and lovingness of my night. Happiness is brought to you by you, the problems that sit before you are but actions that can be fixed by reactions, it is here that you will learn and it is here that you will grow. You ask for my strength, but I gave that when you were born, you ask for my love, you have had that before you were born and you ask for my wisdom but you have that within, those thoughts of where you thought of being at this point of life but your not there yet, well you look very much alive to me, therefore your journey is not over, so I ask is it that you have given up on believing in yourself, or is it that you are different than others and don't want to live your own life to reach your goals"?
With this she faded back into that of the bush, I stood there for 5 or 10 minutes, got back in my car and restarted my journey. Not meaning my journey down the highway, but meaning in life.
For what I was told, was what I had forgotten.
It is my life, it is your life, it is my future and it is your future, our destinies maybe different but getting there is the same.
I will get there and I know you will get there, for we are family you and I.... Blessed Be,

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