Let me try to get you on the right road. 1st I am not an expert on NeoPagan/ Wiccan Religion. 2nd Nothing that is worth while comes easy.....
Now with those two thoughts in mind let us start. As you know there are many religions in this world and they all basically preach the same thing. Spirituality. Salvation, and a promise of a glorious afterlife. For the sake of time and simplicity to make my point I'll just stick with Christianity as an example. It's doesn't matter if they are Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, or what ever ists. They all want you to join their church to save your soul from eternal damnation. They Say... they also want your dollar. Yes sad as it is all formal christian religions want your money. This is why they pass a basket as every service and say something along these lines,,,"Let your good works shine before men." They also are extremely judgmental, I've seen the good church people snub the bum in the back of the church who has walked in out of the cold dressed in rags. Yes he/she may have come in to get warm or grab a hot cup of coffee and a donut after the service, but they also came in to pray. Yet they are very seldom welcomed after the service they sit by themselves in a corner, while the whispers of prejudice fly about the room. They feel uncomfortable and unwelcome for the most part. Eventually they leave and no one notices till there gone. I know this because I was the bum in the rags....
These types of prejudices may exist even here, but I have yet to encounter them. Most who I have spoke with that are Pagan/Wiccan are extremely friendly and kind but also secretive, as there is an extreme amount of prejudice towards us. Basically due to a lack of disinformation that has been fed them. We are not Satanists, for that is a Christian concept. Rather we are an earth bound religion. We pray and pay homage to a variety of Gods and Goddesses. We do not have ten commandments to follow just two simple rules if you will
A) Do as you will
B) And Ye Harm None.
Now that you have the basics the rest is up to you. As with anything new the best thing to do is gather as much information as possible, so you will talk to people, but more importantly READ..... You have an advantage of some of us older newbies as the internet did not exist when I was your age. I would suggest you start with a Book called Wicca for beginners by Thea Sabin. Even if you don't consider yourself Wiccan it is full of basic information. Then you can move on, decide which or where you wish to go. Find the books on what interests you and READ.... As I said in the beginning Nothing worth having is easy...... You must do the work. Read and ask questions. Good luck and I'm usually on once a day
Blessed Be
i hope i helped .... even though no one helped me -_- and i still need to learn a lot but have fun
basicly ur on your own because almost everyone here cant help u ... or actually they can but they wont because they dont care , believe me i have try ed getting help they just give you the cold shoulder but i will help
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