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This week on The Spiral Dance, our Theme is February, Fire and Ice.

February is the second month of the Gregorian calendar, and the year's shortest month. It's named for the FEBRUA, a Roman purification festival. And so we'll talk a bit about the Roman God, Februus later in the show.

The astrological sign of Aquarius, January 20 - February 18th is associated with February. Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, is a fixed Air sign ruled by the planet Uranus.

February's full moon is known as the Snow Moon, because the month is known for having powerful storms. Still, nature begins to sense the turning of the year, and the coming spring. House finches begin looking for nesting sites, and in the still-frozen woodland foxes begin searching for a mate. But Puxatany Phil reminds us that if he sees his shadow on February 2, it means six more weeks of winter. This is in keeping with in ancient lore of Imbolc saying that if the weather is Fair on February 2, then Winter will last for six more weeks. The lesson tells us that, despite the lengthening days and the Promise of Spring, we still, for the time-being must give Winter it's due.

Fire and Ice appear as primal forces in the Norse creation myth, which we'll be taking a look at. And I also want to read a traditional story from Iceland story called "The Snow Daughter and the Fire Son". Plus I'll share a poem about Fire and Ice from Robert Frost.

And finally, we'll talk about February 29th - whether it's there or not!

I hope you enjoy this week's show!

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