(NOTE: This the Aramaic in this spell is researched but by no means infallible! I also would like to ad that the spelling is in fact incorrect yet purposefully done to fascillitate pronounciation for the reader during ritual. You will need a candle and the a cross and holy water preferably blessed in a church and by a bonifide priest.) Qrebo Malake’a Nu’ora! Seraphim! Qrebo Elah khe’oya nu’ora! Seraphim! Macham, Macham, Macham! Come Angel of Fire! Seraphim! Come God’s serpent of fire! Seraphim! Burn, burn, burn! O’arad ku’leh b’bysha! Elah O’arad Sa’naa chay’laa! E’am E’esraa Shem men Elah Ae’naa Pa’qad B’biysha Sha’beq! Expel all evil! God expel Satan’s power! By the ten names from God I command evil leave! E’am E’esraa Shem men Elah Ae’naa Pa’qad B’biysha Sha’beq! By the ten names from God I command evil leave! Speak the ten name of GOD: Elah Ku’leh Abba Ehedeh - Elah Ku’leh Abba Yod he vau heh - Elah Ku’leh Abba Tettragrammaton-Elohim - Elah Ku’leh Abba El - Elah Ku’leh Abba Elohim-Gibor - Elah Ku’leh Abba Eloah Va-daath - Elah Ku’leh Abba El Adonai Tzabaoth - Elah Ku’leh Abba Elohim Tzabaoth - Elah Ku’leh Abba Tzaddai Al Chai -Elah Ku’leh Abba Adonai Ha-Aretz! Elah Ku’leh Abba / God all father (Then the Name of God.) Elah Ku’leh Abba Ay’nu’on man a’naa mala’keh ‘aa. Shmay Ae’naa! Shmay Ae’naa! God the Father, he who created Angels. Hear Me! Hear me! Ay’myn Elah, Ay’myn. Amen my god, Amen. "THE COPTIC CROSS" A small circle from which emanate four arms of equal length, with angled T shapes in the corners, cross-pieces outward, representing the nails used in Jesus' crucifixion. This cross receives its name from Coptic Christianity, which centered around Alexandria, Egypt. Oh just so you know...Jesus's name in aramaic is "Yeshuoe" (Nay Elahi. / Son of my god.)
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