Hello and Merry meet Milton Bakke, you have posted 87 blog post about nothing about synthetic drugs. And these drug posts have nothing about the side effects or purpose of the drugs, but nothing but materialistic buy it, buy it , buy it. Why should I buy it, why should i support you with my precious Canadian dollar when I don't know what the drug is for and what it does, I don't know if all these fancy names are substitutes for illegal drugs like cocaine, dop, or heroine, or cyanide tablets and stuff like that. Why should people here on this site CARE about these drugs? If you can't afford to advertise these drugs on your own website or on TV then why should WE the people on Wiccaneopagan.com care about these 87 drug blogs? Please answer these questions. I don't know if you have permission from the moderators or not, but hopefully you do, or Else your account might get deleted by the Founder, so please answer and with quick decision the people here on this PUBLIC Networking site can understand why you can advertising your unnatural and synthetic side effect riddled drugs.
Blessed be,
Earth's Outcast
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