Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I woke up today realizing how incredibly blessed i am. To have so many people who care about me and love me, and appreciate me for the person I am. To be able to walk out of my front door and see all the beauty and wonder in Mother Nature, and to be able to let her heal me. To be able to have the freedom of choice in my life, to know that what I choose is because I am passionate about it and I feel that it will lead me to better things in life. I feel blessed that I can express myself through laughter, tears, screams, touch, music, energy, body langauge, spells, etc. I've said before, to someone whom I cherish, that it seems like the human race is damned b/c they were built with the ability to have emotions but the incapability of sorting them out properly. I feel completely different about that now, like I've had an awakening. The reason I'm here now, in this place, with this person, with these feelings, is b/c of my inability to deal with certain emotions. If it weren't for that simple flaw in the human race, destinies course would have been interrupted. I wouldn't have what I am so lucky to have now, or feel what I feel now, on even be going on this new journey. :) All I can say is all the tears, the pain, the guilt, the regret, the loss, up until this point have been for my happiness and I am well on my way to true happiness. Of course, there will be struggles, downfalls, trials, but with love and happiness all that can be conquered. Possibly, even with a smile :) I would like to think so. I am just going to continue my life, knowing that its all for a greater good. I have dedicated my life to that, that doesn't have to mean I am perfect....by far I am not. That just means in a time when I feel low, I'll remember that in the past all the bad led to the greatest thing of all in this life. :)

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Comment by Cameron S. on May 16, 2009 at 3:21pm
I'm happy that you have found a way to express yourself and love yourself for who you are, You are a truely remarkable person An I love
you with all my heart. I always will at that.
Comment by Kodi Jimenez on May 16, 2009 at 12:18pm
True happiness comes from inside. You have found that within yourself. I'm proud of you Cara. Truly you are a remarkable woman.
Comment by anand on May 16, 2009 at 11:12am
hi carabella,
i appreciate what you wrote... a difficult thought put forward in simple way.
be blessed,

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