Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Many of us are out here feeling disconnected from ourselves and everyone around, no matter how many people are surrounding, the question is, do you want to feel full.
full of life, love, the big picture.
you must regress, for all who want to know how to heal their mind body and soul, find out each past start mailing me some questions and I'll gove the answers, for Isis guides me to do so.

Many people do not realise that their chakra centers are far too exposed, and they are accepting and collecting vibrational patterns from everything and everyone, these vibrations are both high and low. So often times these patterns are disorganized and untidy, and so frequently the seven layers of the physical, emotional, intellectual, astral and celestial are abnormally increased, especially in intensity for their physical parallel.

Envision the rainbow
Red * The Root Chakra: This is the physical body "Muladhara"
(Root Support)

The Root Chakra, located at the very base of the spine, between the genitals and the anus, anchors the physical body to the Earth. It's color is red, and it's business is earthy. It is responsible for kinesthetic feeling, movement, exercise and dancing. It is the chakra responsible for the spiritual teachings of the material world. It governs the spinal column, the lower digestive tract, legs and feet, and the immune system. Physical dysfunctions are manifested by lower back pain, sciatica (nerve pain in the legs), varicose veins, immune related disorders, and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Mental and emotional issues include survival, self-esteem, social order, security, family, superstition, loyalty, instinct, physical pain or pleasure, and touch.
Orange * The Spleen Chakra: This is the emotional body Sacral Chakra
(One's Own Place)
Clove or Cinnamon
The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen and its' color is orange. It governs the physical areas of the sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine and it's associated physical disorders include lower back pain, ob/gyn problems, pelvic pain, libido, prostate gland, impotence, and urinary problems.The psycho-emotional issues involved include: blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, morality. Ideally, a balanced Sacral Chakra results in the manifestation of emotional connections, honoring relationships, and learning to "let go." Control issues are reduced, acceptance and rejection are not the only options in our relationships, creativity and manifestation are encouraged. Healthy sexuality, sensualism and emotional balance are maintained.
Yellow * The Solar Plexus Chakra: This is the mental or intellectual body"Manipura"
(Jewel City)
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with the color yellow. It is the "Gut Chakra" and it is concerned with ego and self-esteem. It is a gate between the heart (pure emotion) chakra and the sacral (sensual) chakra and therefore stands to gain a cognitive understanding of emotional life. Gut instincts come from the Solar Plexus Chakra. Navel jewelry guards the Solar Plexus Chakra from unwelcome intrusion. The areas of the body that are governed by the Solar Plexus Chakra are: the upper abdomen (navel to rib cage), liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, and stomach. Associated dysfunctions include: stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, and diseases of the colon. Teens are particularly susceptible to issues of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Self-acceptance and self-love are critically important to this chakra, as is accepting one's place in life and knowing that you're doing your best. Self esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness, personal power, personality, and a sense of belonging are all issues of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Green* The Heart Chakra: This is the astral body "Anahata"
(The Unstruck Sound)
The Heart Chakra is associated with the color green or pink. It is the chakra of love and emotional empowerment. Self-love is the first step in affecting healing love. Emotional wounds have a detrimental effect on the heart, and physical illness is often preceded by emotional pain. Heart conditions, asthma, lung and breast cancers, upper back pain, pneumonia, and shoulder pain may relate to heart chakra imbalances. Physical zones relating to the Heart Chakra also include the rest of the circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands. Mental and emotional issues concern love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity, emotional and physical abuse. Love and Trust are vital to Heart Chakra health.
Blue * The Throat Chakra: This is the ethereal body "Visuddha"
Double Jasmine
The Throat Chakra is associated with the blue of the sky. It is housed in the throat / neck / mouth and is concerned with matters of will. Honest expression is essential for the health of this chakra. Lying or the unwillingness to express one's beliefs have a detrimental effect, as does repressing anger or suppressing emotion. Seek the truth and say what you feel, learn to take responsibility for your own needs. Physical dysfunctions indicating an unbalanced Throat Chakra include sore throat, mouth ulcers, cold sores, scoliosis, swollen glands, over- or under- active thyroid, laryngitis, gum and tooth problems, TMJ, speech impediments, bad breath, issues regarding taste and smell, addiction and eating disorders - overeating and anorexia. Mental and spiritual issues include confession, surrendering personal will to the greater good, faith, truthfulness vs deceit, personal expression, creativity, addiction, criticism, will.
Purple * The Brow Chakra: The "Third Eye" celestial body "Ajna"
(The Command Center )
Attar of Roses
The Brow Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra's color is indigo, and it is housed in the center of the forehead. In the Hindu tradition, the Bindi is worn to represent this "third eye." It is the path of wisdom - learning from experiences, and integrating that knowledge in our lives. The third eye allows you to discern fantasy from reality, receive and comprehend visual images, discard illusions and think clearly. While the Crown Chakra represents matters of spirit, the Brow Chakra represents matters of mind, including ideas, insight and mental development, understanding, a "reality check," objectivity, and open-mindedness. Physical dysfunctions include maladies of the brain - tumors, strokes, seizures, spinal / nervous system disorders, eyes and ears - blindness, deafness, and mental illness and learning disabilities. Issues addressed in this chakras' consciousness include discipline (mind over matter), judgment, truth and lies, emotional intelligence, wisdom, learning, knowledge, intellect, confusion, concept of reality.
White* The Crown Chakra: This is god "Sahasrara"
(Cosmic Consciousness)
The Crown Chakra, located in the top of the head, is associated with the color violet or white.The energy and wisdom of the universe, the "life force," enters the Crown Chakra and is dispersed through the body by way of the other 6 chakras. It is the facilitator for spiritual enlightenment and intuitive knowledge. Its' spiritual lessons include general spirituality and the concept of living in the present. Physical dysfunctions related to the Crown Chakra are depression, muscular and skeletal system disorders, skin problems, chronic fatigue, hysteria, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Mental and emotional issues include discovery of the Divine, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identity, trust, selflessness, humanitarianism, gaining perspective on one's issues, devotion, inspiration, values, and ethics.

These are your chakra points.
each contain 3 to 10 lifetimes some contain 12

after obataining your essiential supplies.
you will be ready for the next step
the important is the color candles
and being spiritually ready

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Comment by Sehkmet kalikalmata on November 27, 2008 at 5:35am
Everyone will be helped, here is your step instruction, I will be your support for unsolved questions
Comment by sterling on November 23, 2008 at 3:26pm
so you can help people find out who they where in a previous life, can you help me?
Comment by jewuy on November 21, 2008 at 1:36pm
I understand completely where Cassandra is coming from I have certain months that are hard on me also my months tend to be April, May, September. I have always felt empty inside like something was missing. I just recently started Wicca and Tarot. I had always had the desire and have always dealt with the spiritual since I could remember. I had always been told I was born with a gift but felt that it was more of a curse. My parents raised me in a very strict nondenominational church and I was never happy, so much judgment and so on, but here I feel no judgment just welcome.I however have a question I have been wanting to ask but been afraid to I didn't want anyone to get offended or think ignorant of me so here goes......... why do Wiccans believe in gods and goddesses? being raised the way I was I was taught to believe in god but i have learned that the only being i can believe in is myself and the inner power, strength, faith and energy that I have, and the beauty that i see in the nature around me so by me not believing in any kinds of gods or goddesses does that kinda like boot me out or what? i hope that no one will think that i'm ignornant I'm just growing into who i am.
Comment by Cassandra on November 21, 2008 at 12:30pm
That is how I have felt for almost 10 years now... empty. I don't know why. There are days when I feel so happy and loved. And then three or five months out of the year, I feel so down. I cry for no reason. I see places or hear words and I begin to get teary eyed. My mom thinks it may be depression, but in my heart I know that it is not. I just think it is weird that 3 or 5 months out of the year I feel this way. The three main months when I feel lonely and sad are; April, June and October. Sometimes February and November. June is the month that is the darkest to me. Well my questions are:

1. Might you know why some months are full of sorrow for me?
2. Why do I distance myself in those months?
3. When I see places, hear words, or see things... could they be apart of my past lives?

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