Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Ok.. we have a Tarot one going...who is up for Astrology on the side?
Wanna Start with Air Signs? To kind of go in tandem with our Tarot Discussion?

We can start with my favorites.. Gemini !!!
I must admit they are a personal favorite followed closely by Libra. I have nothing against Aquarius friends but as a Leo I find they are difficult to understand...and there is a wide range of documented reasons for that...

A little history. I am a freak..I love to study and learn...and Astrology is one area of our faith that I find a never ending well of educational possibilities. I got hooked very early on...and even went so far, when I was younger to write a detailed study of personal behaviors of my friends and family (and even some strangers) to see if it really all made any sense. And WOW it does...in comparison there were underlying behavioral habits of all signs that seemed evident in each subject.
REMEMBER - no person is ONE sign. ..we are all a mixture of all 12 as well as a product of our environments. Don't ever use this or Tarot and think you can peg a person..we are complex creatures..we need to understand the path one has walked to be able to help and understand..

Laugh with the Maiden, Love with the Mother and Lear from the Crone....

Rowan Canterbury

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Comment by Rowan Canterbury on November 25, 2008 at 5:40am
Gemini..where to begin...

Well first all as stated we are all actually 12 signs but let's focus on our sun signs...I started with Gemini because they tend to be my favorite for a number of reasons...

Gemini May 22 to June 22-23
Air Sign
Over the years of studying Gemini other than the obvious stuff...and by that I mean the Text Book information you can pick up at any boarders books on Astrology, I would like to discuss behavior, innate personality and social function in this forum and perhaps make it a study as well as a discussion.
Socially they are the BOMB. Most Gemini people are able to Talk to ANYONE and will, at times in excess...Because their brains are geared a million miles an hour faster than most peoples they can shift from subject to subject at an almost staggering pace.
At times this can make them seem a bit dizzy, when in reality that gray matter is just clicking along and in reality you are the slow one.
Work wise they tend to function in high paced jobs that require the ability to multi - task. They are great communicators, and for the most part very positive people. Watch out though..they can be SLOBS..they are the ADHD poster children of the Zodiac followed closely by Aquarius.
They will wear themselves out. If you are Gemini it is important to make sure you SLEEP and slow down. Every Gemini and I mean EVERY Gemini I know has to be clubbed to death to slow it down.
They get depressed and lonely..even when they are surrounded by people. They are usually bored and don't realize it. Because they mentally move so quickly it is very difficult for them to really absorb other's opinions. They care..don't get me wrong...but it is like trying to hold down a Lab puppy when there is a ball being thrown around the yard...it's HAHAHA..YEA..HAHD...o.k. can we stop talking now and play with the BALL!!

Sun Relations:
Gemini & Gemini - You will never be bored - NEVER...if fights occur it is because they are going in to many different directions and get confused. OR...because many Gemini are natural FLIRTS..and feelings can get hurt. In business and work together they are an unstoppable team.

Gemini & Cancer - Great combination for friendship. Relationships of romance may be long lasting if they can get through the first couple of years...Cancer likes things just so..and they are slow to change...Gemini is all about change and usually movement. What will hold them together is the Cancer's incredible ability to love with permanence and an almost maternal devotion. even thought Gemini won't admit it, it is good for them to have a stable partner.

Gemini & Leo - Like Fire and Air..it is combustible. We feed off each other. The Gemini is smart enough to think of just about anything..and the Leo is brave ( or stupid) enough to DO it...They rarely fight...and when they do...watch out. Leos love to be loved and hate to be bored. Gemini loves the brashness that is underlying in almost every Leo personality..let's call it BALLS...heheh In a work relationship they could probably run the world...sexually...well let me just say...from experience...it's like riding a starship through the middle of the sun....the ultimate wild ride.

Gemini & Virgo - This is where Gemini gets a bit held up. Virgo's are known to be the Adrian Monks of the Zodiac. They don't do well with chaos and Geminis often thrive on it... Gemini does not like to be told what to do..and Virgo is under the impression that they are the Mother of the whole world. Gemini likes to decorate in the abstract..Dali fashion..and Virgo just left the Martha Stewart finishing school...I would say their best relations ship is family and work...where they don't necessarily have to be in the same space for to long...

Gemini & Libra - Observing these two in close proximity you would have a hard time really picking out any true behavior differences...they are ALLOT alike. Yes..I know they are both Air signs..silly pagan...
They make great partners. The only love life issues that really become a big kick in the butt is unfaithfulness. Both of these signs have problems with it..and it is usually them cheating or thinking about cheating on the other sign..now that does not mean that all Gemini and Libra's are cheaters...they just have a hard time staying focused..yet are not malignant or mean. But they don't like it when it is done to them...and if they are not being communicated with properly they will bolt.

Gemini & Scorpio - This my friends can be a dangerous match up...they may just screw each other to death...Scorpio's are very sexual..and sensual for the most part and can be often thought of as nymphomaniacs. Well you get a horny Gemini with an energizer battery and it's ON.....communication is the kicker here. You have to pretty much smack the shit out of a Scorpio to get them to expose their feelings. They don't like touchy feely stuff. They really don't like talking about sensitive stuff...and well..you can't shut most Gemini up. If you are a Gemini in love with a Scorpio you have to learn to give them TIME and SPACE..they have to trust you and that is not easy for them.

Gemini & Sagittarius - GREAT MATCH...I have seen a number of this little mixture work so well it is staggering. Sagittarius is probably the most responsible of the Fire signs..and boy are these guys smart...and they love people that move and think...they get bored easy...put them with a Gemini and they have just the right gear shift to keep the Twin going..and enough ASS to keep them grounded. Gemini's open mind works great for Sagittarius.

Gemini & Capricorn - I have seen this be a great long term friendship combination on a number of occasions. Something about the Capricorn's ability to be true and loyal and often appear shy appeals to our Quick Silver Gemini. I have often seen Gemini become very possessive and protective of Capricorn. which is rare. Gemini are not necessarily the possessive type not to the degree many other signs are. Capricorn often has an air of security and an earthy calm that works like cool water on a summer day. Great for Friendships...and parental relations.

Gemini & Aquarius - They sky is the limit. Free thinking heaven here. They may just get to off target. This is a Party couple. If it is a Gemini female and an Aquarius male the woman will wear the pants in that relationship even if the man doesn't know it. This could be a potentially addictive natured couple that should stay away from drugs and alcohol. Not kidding. Fighting with these two is not good either. You don't want to tick of an Aquarius. They fight for blood and even if a Gemini is joking...it will get Tooo ugly and wounds will be made that may not be healed any time to soon.

Gemini & Pisces - to be continued.....
Comment by Blacksunshine on November 21, 2008 at 9:49am
I am a gemini, my husband is a gemini, and my cute little girl..hahah she's a Virgo. She must learn to accept chaos in her life...it's what she has.

I love being a Gemini because we are ever changing, bringing an understanding to the complexity of all signs, with out getting to stubborn about people just being people.

in Astrology tho, WOW this year has been intense, yet progressive...hard to say where we will end up at, but I embrace it's power, and and grateful for the free will of our kind!!

I'm Leo fan myself, nautrually, so hello there fellow Gemini and leos of this forum, may your day be filled with love and light
Comment by Rowan Canterbury on November 20, 2008 at 8:07am
My daughter is a Gemini and most of my best friends are...and that makes sense...according to most astrology information..Fire Signs and Air Signs are great partners in love, family and friendship.....
What I know of Gemini: to be continued.....

Comment by HollyMoon72 on November 20, 2008 at 7:53am
I am Gemini, would like to be friends w/you:) I am into Astrology too~ I love it! Get back to me, HollyMoon72~
Comment by Cassandra on November 20, 2008 at 6:55am
I love Gemini too. I guess because I am a Gemini. To tell you the truth my sign describes me really well. Sometimes I change moods so fast I don't even notice until someone mentions it. And I agree with you. We are all have a bit of all 12 signs in us.

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