Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

The winter cold had broken if but for a breif moment, The smell of new was in the air and the birds
were singing glory to the new day. I looked around to see flowers peeking through the dirt, new
blades of grass struggling to reach the sun, Blessed mother earth comming back to life from a
silent slumber.
The rains bring a cleansing time when the air is filtered and the ground has been replenished
and I thank the creator for giving me the ability to wittness change. This place holds so much
beauty alot of the landscapes are untamed the mountains look almost prehistoric in many areas
ferns so big that you just know they have been there for atleast one hundred years. Trees so large
you just have to ask yourself just how many others is this huge thing connected to and is it even
aware of this?
I know this may not seem like such a big deal to most but for me well I just feel blessed, to
witness the seasons and really see it for the amazing feat that it really is just sets me at peace
and I feel like I can breath a little deeper. I wonder whom will be the next person to notice this
beauty will it be my children or grandchildren I have to hope that I can show them some day.
Then it hits me, This beauty has always been, and will be long after we humans are gone
mother earth will always change, renew and in that I can take comfort for there will always
be a brighter day just around the corner.
By Rena

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