Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Every time I make a first blog entry on a site, it always sucks and is completely pointless. I'm usually ranting about something that nobody cares about, or even cares enough to pretend that they care about it.

This time, I'm just going to give a more in-depth description of myself than I have in my profile.

Number one, I am probably not as complicated as I came off to be. People think I'm so hard to figure out. Not really. I just live my life as closely to how humans naturally should, as I can in a world like this. I'm very logical. I only do, say, and believe what makes sense. I don't follow imaginary rules that were created by society to turn us all into mindless robots. I'm telling you, there really is no such thing as a human being anymore. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a beautiful young woman. Nice thick hair. A well-developing full-figured body (with maybe a little more fat and a little less muscle than I should have, but I'm working on making myself healthier). Basically, I just let nature take it's course, and I let my body go wherever time takes it.

I look at other women, and I see something hideous and out of this world. Paint on their faces. Every inch of skin on their bodies are the same color. Their scent is replaced by perfume and other chemicals. Fake hair colors. No body hair, or little body hair. Ribs showing through their damn BACKS practically.

That's not what a woman is suppose to look like.

We're taught to be ashamed of and disgusted by our own bodily functions and substances.

This is ridiculous.

Why do people think I'M the complicated one? I'm just human. I'm just grateful of the body and life that I was blessed with on this beautiful, perfect planet. Why am I so hard to understand? I'm the simplest person in the world probably. Just think of me as a cave-woman who can read, write, use technology, speak English, and dress up.


... Yeah... I totally forgot what I was ranting about. I'm gonna go... I dunno... read something.

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Comment by Ffawn on December 6, 2008 at 12:15am
Merry Meet! I think you have a wonderful point... society and media have made their audiences have unreal expectations about beauty and body. I think it is great when a person is totally comfortable just being who they are. Congrats to you.

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