Poem & Spell…
Templars, Illuminati, Free Mason’s fall, The children of Ptah bastardized by greed thought they could keep it all. Hide it all. But Isis, Maat, and Thoth the thrice great, rules the moon so like the tide, true earthly power is doomed to rise and fall.
There’s just not enough liquor to drown the melancholy and malcontent. The joy that turns sour when once you though it heaven sent. What makes life sour? The lack or the abuse of power? Both eventually give birth to Gods, servants or cowards. So fuck the tears I’ve cried for things I concede that are outside of my control, take responsibility for your own soul and live a life worth living because only the mediocre survives just to stay alive and quietly grow old.
I want to throw caution to the wind, I want to bless a sinner as I revel in sin, I ache to burn fire with my seduction and passion, I seek to baptize your soul in the waters of mine and become divine without even asking.
Shadows dance in the absence of light in my eyes. I realize your heart begs for salvation and absolution all the while in collusion with free loaders, users and those that expect a free ride. My friend, why do we fear the end? When we already know not everybody lives but sooner or later everybody dies. So, do we cheat ourselves out of a sun rise? A sunset? Making love to someone we just can’t bare to let go of or forget? Do we bind ourselves to living every moment to the fullest? Or do we torture ourselves to the bitter end with self incriminations and regrets? I’m going to let you decide.
Templars, Illuminati, Free Mason’s fall, The children of Ptah bastardized by greed thought they could keep it all. Hide it all. But Isis, Maat, and Thoth the thrice great, rules the moon and like the tide, true earthly power is doomed to rise and fall.
I could give a fuck about tomorrow. Today is were my future’s born. It’s wear my mind was torn for those I had to leave behind and those who left me to heal or mourn. I chose to release hate and scorn and detach myself from all those forlorned.
Why should I save you? When I am treading water learning to save myself? When I look in to the sea of blackness and I see you writhing seducing and being seduced by the silver tongued dragons along with everybody else.
Templars, Illuminati, Free Mason’s fall, The children of Ptah bastardized by greed thought they could keep it all. Hide it all. But Isis, Maat, and Thoth the thrice great, rules the moon so like the tide, true earthly power is doomed to rise and fall.
Masons tears taste like freedom, look at the world die giving birth to Eden. The world created becomes broken and only god can utter his own law spoken.
For some there’s just not enough liquor to drown the melancholy and malcontent. The joy that turns sour when once you though it heaven sent. What makes life sour? The lack or the abuse of power? Both eventually give birth to Gods, servants or cowards. So fuck the tears I’ve cried for things I concede that are outside of my control, take responsibility for your own soul and live a life worth living because only the mediocre survives just to stay alive and quietly grow old.
Templars, Illuminati, Free Mason’s fall, The children of Ptah bastardized by greed thought they could keep it all. Hide it all. But Isis, Maat, and Thoth the thrice great, rules the moon so like the tide, true earthly power is doomed to rise and fall.

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