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10 ways to piss of a witch and pick up lines- funny

10 Ways to Piss off a Witch
(Author Unknown)

1. Ask them if they are Satan worshippers.

2. Be considerate, rearrange their altar so it will look neat.

3. Blow out their altar candle if it is still day light. (No need to waste a good candle!)

4. Pick up their gems for a closer look.

5. Sharpen their dull black-handled knife.

6. Witness to them about the "true religion".

7. Untie the knots in their cord.

8. Take hold of their jewelry for a closer look.

9. Play card games with their Tarot cards.

10. Ask them again if they are Satan worshippers

10 Pick up lines for pagans

1. Haven't i seen you before.... in another life?

2. You have the prettiest third eye i have ever seen.

3. Read any good Llewellyn Books lately? (no joke, a guy actually tried this one on me.)

4. Wanna see my altar...?

5. I do my rituals skyclad.... wanna see?

6. You're feet must be tired because you've been Spiral Dancing in my mind all night long.

7. What's a nymph Goddess like you doing in a place like this?

8. Is that a May Pole in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

9. Hey babe, what's your sign? What's it's ascendant? What is your planet alignment in Venus during Cancer's revolving around the Fourth House?

10. Your so hot you make my cauldron bubble.

Views: 1387


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Comment by Rowan Canterbury on November 24, 2008 at 1:51pm
Another way to piss off a pagan...
Be a Bible Thumper and tell them EVERY Christmas that you feel sorry for them because they don't celebrate the holiday...

Comment by Cassandra on November 24, 2008 at 1:31pm
These are funny. Numbers 2 and 3 made me really laugh. (on the 10 Ways to Piss off a Witch)
Comment by Jade on November 23, 2008 at 11:15pm
lol- a skyclad hug- thats awesome! i am happy to say i never had to go through that.
Comment by Jooniper on November 23, 2008 at 10:51pm
hahaha... My favorite pick up attempt happened during a sky clad fire ritual when a guy tried to "naked hug" me... I had to explain that hugs weren't clothing optional!
Those are fricken' hilarious!
Comment by vovl-concisus-vita on November 23, 2008 at 9:39pm
omg halarious! best one. man i would be pissed if someone did those things to me.

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