23, wow, ive got a lot of stuff to think bout. heheahaha. i do wish i had a boyfriend, tho, someone to celebrate SAMHAIN with. yaaaaayyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyya halloween, my faverote time of year. anyone who wants to find my, look for eiother my name on facebook, or sluna2387 on yahoo. happy samhain to everyone
yahoo is the primary im chat doohickey that i use, my screen name is sluna2387. and im all over the place. the best time to catch me is 8:00-9:00-10:00. around those times., so i dint get any rest last night due to a tooth ache( speaking of.... i got to call .............)hehehehehe hahahahaha. ok 1 i am deathly afraid of needles, and two i want to be completly knocked out. no sensations of any kind. ergh, why did i not listen to my dr.jeff scott? he died last year. anyway. i am tired, and im… Continue
hey all, i went to the shrink today, and it was awesome, hes really cute. and he gave me a rose quartz donut. a worry stone he called it. i am looking for a coven to join, somewhere here in gainesville. can someone help me? please. you all can email me at slunaprincess@aol.com please, thanks
sorry to all who had emailed me. ive been sick for the past week and a half. im better now. butit was hell trying to get well. i sat up all night coughing, afraid of falling asleep. anyway my friend scotty, is calling , ansd he *likes* me. a. lot. so ill write after he hangs up. love, and merry part.
i have practically searced the entire internet to find roms to play, because i dont have the money to get the games themselves, and ii can only find bs sites that ask you to vote and when you do they say you didnt do it right.. RIOIOCRJKLEFHJUGFRHUGFHHJHJDGHOGHH@@$%^$%@@#%^&@#$%^#$%#$%$%. IS p.ING ME OFF. i wish i could find them, and if you all havent heard about rhapsody of fire, the band from italy, please buy their entire albums, they are so cool
erricca and i went to one of her little friends dylans b- day party over the weekend. she didnt want the cake, or the games, orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the pinata, she just wanted to swim, and swim, and swim, ugh. anyway i finished all 4 twilight books. is she going to write anymore about bella and edward, or of the cullens? i hope so, and i am a giganticly humoungously big fan of harry potter, but the ending of book 7 was a little bit of a put out, to me anyway. others who havent red it, go read… Continue
i wonder what everyone is doing for beltane, i wish i had a partner so i can "participate" in the festival, but seeings as i dont well, ill just have to use my plastic............. ............. ..... ...sword and get a ..........drinking cup and use some rosemary to burn and do that.
( you guys are soo bad ;) )
do the witchy thing witches do on beltane. everyone have fun, lots of fun. and ill see you all later.