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Laura Berry's Blog (59)

The Apex of Light

Happy Coamhain, all Wiccan and Druid.
There's a Sparrows nest outside my window, held in the cradle that is One, the Tree of Life that shades us and shields us into the night. The nest they are in is a circle, at the time of the apex of the Sun. And as it is now Summer they will soon take wing and fly, and as we know the season we will always look to the sky. WELCOME SUMMER SOLSTICE. June 21st. 2015

Added by Laura Berry on June 20, 2015 at 2:42pm — No Comments

RE-INCARNATION The Earth As Our Classroom As We Become Fully Conscious In The GODHEAD

       Out origin is debatable, but what I as a Wiccan call ONE, or the SOURCE OF ALL, I believe has instilled in every human being the ability to become more of consciousness and thus a full participant in that source. This has been called COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and ENLIGHTENMENT. I believe we are not to turn our individual ability over to a religious system where there are leaders and followers, that may en- mass bring forth, but  is mostly mindless in what is manifested and can in theory…


Added by Laura Berry on June 5, 2015 at 8:07am — No Comments


           Weeks ago a Blessing was sent for the Beltane; at the end of the Blessing was written, 'As we enter MAY, now begin the time of dark. This is given to the circle that is the Earth and for us who live upon it to remember others in their season. In my continent of North America, we are about to enter Summer on JUNE 21st. While in Australia on the same day they are about to enter their Winter. The Circle that is of LIGHT and DARK in balance and harmony, as in the time of light there…


Added by Laura Berry on June 2, 2015 at 3:23pm — No Comments

The Fortune Coin for Blessing of the Spirit

      This casting of Blessing begins with found money, nickels, dimes, quarters and of course pennies. These are usually located in parking lots of places where money is exchanged. When ever I shop I scan the lot I am in and usually  five times out of ten, coins are there to be found. These 'pennies from heaven' are to become the essence of real fortune and are not to be spent but always kept. For the ritual Blessing to begin take the found coin and place it in a container, preferably of…


Added by Laura Berry on May 30, 2015 at 5:23pm — No Comments

A Ritual Space for Casting of Blessing

  For the willing of Blessing you would chose objects of a personal nature, things that are of value to you, large or small, and collect them as you will. When you have acquired what you believe is correct for your personal space for giving of Blessing, arrange them in the place where you spend most of your time; here is where your spirits energy is as its height and is accumulated through your presence. This is your Ritual Space, a place of Blessing for you and for others you may cast…


Added by Laura Berry on May 29, 2015 at 5:53pm — No Comments

Our Source is Not of Dictate. .

   The god of the Bible is of dictate, the book where  HE is OUR SOURCE. Where HE is a dictator demanding obedience through threat of our death. And how can you love this god except in fear of your existence? and how can fear ever inspire love?  Our source is not of dictate or of rules brought forth by the will of men. We know as Wiccan and Pagan inherently to do no harm, for it was instilled within through our SOURCE, the one of compassion and life  who chose not man before woman or son…


Added by Laura Berry on May 24, 2015 at 7:51pm — No Comments


    Considering some organized religious systems and their capacity for destruction through their faithful, a return to the ancient is really what is needed in the 21st century.Before Judaism, before the birth of Christianity, Ancient people worshipped, they had ritual and they weren't godless. The source of the universe was contemplated by our ancestors as they looked to nature for spiritual truths. When you consider for instance how destructive Judeo-Christianity has been as the Bible is…


Added by Laura Berry on May 22, 2015 at 2:04pm — No Comments


At this time on Earth the pagan may be considered as  'primitive' with all the negative that comes with the Word. I believe that the cornerstone of purity is of early paganism. Those of the past who knew of the source of things through nature, the natural world. The god and goddess known through the androgynous; plants and trees then the perfect source of faith. The tree symbolic of the creative force of all things, still the perfect symbol for modern times. Consider the Celtic cross that…


Added by Laura Berry on May 21, 2015 at 5:10pm — No Comments

Family, Friends and Familiars

A Familiar. What is family that is not human? Those who know you, and accept and understand as you sacrifice for them.  One Familiar in my house is difficult to photograph so her image cannot be displayed. She is a  Beta named Ryn. I found her in the standard pet shop setting, she was in a small plastic cup, the Betas stacked on top of each other, she was near the bottom of the stack. I saw her as one of the disposable, not likely to be chosen compared to the more colorful ones available. I…


Added by Laura Berry on May 16, 2015 at 6:34pm — No Comments


     When the name GOD is used or spoken, do you automatically think HE? I have found many do if not consciously, and this notion is a main contributor to atheism. In ancient paganism the Goddess was acknowledged alongside the God, she his equal in full strength of mind. It was in the time of the Old Testament that  the God began to dominate, thus silencing the Goddess where the female was then Eve, the disobedient daughter, not a Goddess equal to the god of the testament, but a child with…


Added by Laura Berry on May 11, 2015 at 3:07pm — No Comments


  •    Most religion is of dictate and dogma, where there is a leader making followers, those  who then lose themselves as they then follow in a space of spiritual non-participation. I have experienced Wicca as a spiritually free space of inner and outer exploration of the known and unknown universe. As a Wiccan I am allowed my own vision and insight; the meaning of Goddess. In the name of Gaia, Goddess of Earth, for the day of All Mothers, here is my ritual of Bell, Book and…

Added by Laura Berry on May 8, 2015 at 4:28pm — No Comments

What is a Wicca

    So much dictate is used for whatever reason to speak of what a Wiccan is; but in Wicca we know we can look within for answers needed and  also look to the Earth through nature for faith in creation. Here there is no dictate, only truth that changes and is also solid. I am old now, fifty five, I remember being twenty-five, and as a Wicca I accept what must be. Is it better to be an old witch than a woman in youth. I say yes because I have acquired wisdom. There is no book or rule to tell…


Added by Laura Berry on May 6, 2015 at 5:37pm — No Comments

Synchronicity and Family

  To Lydia my birth sister and to Randy my brother through marriage, the fact that you were both born on May 4th, 1964 is much more than coincidence, it is a MYSTICAL SIGN of what was meant to be. It is a cosmic sign- post that we are a family in a continuance that is forever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA AND RANDY. May 4th, 2015,  Your sister, laurel.

Added by Laura Berry on May 3, 2015 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Synchronicity and Family

  To Lydia my birth sister and to Randy my brother through marriage, the fact that you were both born on May 4th, 1964 is much more than coincidence, it is a MYSTICAL SIGN of what was meant to be. It is a cosmic sign- post that we are a family in a continuance that is forever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA AND RANDY. May 4th, 2015,  Your sister, laurel.

Added by Laura Berry on May 3, 2015 at 2:29pm — No Comments


 HAPPY BELTANE. To any who may have tried to connect earlier I'm sorry I missed you. My main purpose for being here is to give and send Blessing and to speak of our beautiful home Earth, in the name of the Goddess Gaia in the way of the Wiccan. Now as the time of light begins, we look about and see the springing forth of all our Earths bounty in it's full flowering space of spring, summer and fall. Feel joy in this time because of the Earth itself and the Blessings of our home. On October…


Added by Laura Berry on April 30, 2015 at 8:07am — No Comments

Birthday, the meaning of a gift. What can I give to you?

  Can I give you what you need  as a wish giver? I may and will so, for what you truly need will given. So mode it be, through the source of all. Wiccan. Now enter the time of darkness, May first.

Added by Laura Berry on April 29, 2015 at 6:19pm — No Comments

Ritual For Home for balance and serenity

       This involves material objects.  Find a space in your home for a tea light, then chose a candle holder, make it personal to you. Know the four elements ,FIRE, WATER, AIR, and EARTH. These objects to be placed before your alter. The candle is Fire, but you may chose what  fires meaning is to you. The , the element is male, as it is lit, the next is water, the feminine, chose an object that represents water to you, I have chosen sea shell to represent something that contains life, next…


Added by Laura Berry on April 18, 2015 at 7:24pm — No Comments

Bell Book And Candle. So mode it be.

           One of Tree, one of falling leaf. Teach all of Wicca of life in the circle. Of spring and the beginning and of new life coming forth; our youth and childhood as is your will. And tell us of summer, a child no longer, in the full green leaf of young adulthood. Teach now of autumn, the changing colors beautiful, rich and showing the wisdom as you change, in the beginning of the fall. Falling to the earth, in the way of the spirit and faith, as elders becoming and glad to be so. And…


Added by Laura Berry on April 11, 2015 at 6:42pm — No Comments

A Blessing For Bletrane For April 30 th The Beginning of The Space of Light

May the snow melt of winter become of gentle streams,to be the winding water that takes us all  into the warmth of summer, there for all to drink of.  BLESSED BE. laurel.

Added by Laura Berry on April 9, 2015 at 6:57pm — No Comments

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