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Ok I know that I am rather new but I wanted a person on my friend list to know that his blog conserns me.Yes it was a evil and bitter thing that had happend to our people,but at the same token to go thru with what you want would only fuel the flames of hate and it would also only make us the same as them.They hated us so they did what they did if we in turn do the same out of hate for them then we are no better.Let there own belifes be there punishment where our beliefs… Continue

Added by jennifer on September 2, 2010 at 3:46am — 1 Comment


Added by Obsidian Sphinx on August 26, 2010 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Reaching back....

How do I begin? I ask. I have vivid memories of witchcraft in my life although many obsstacles were thrown in to prevent me from embracing my birth right. In my soul I know I am a witch who needs guidance and protection. Tonight I begin my journey home to WitchCraft.

Added by CCL on August 22, 2010 at 6:11pm — 1 Comment

Pagan Norse & Druidism Meet up in Marango Ia

My handfasted wife and I have just moved from Tx to Ia. We are looking to start a group here for discussion,fellowship ,and ritual. Anyone interested feel free to contact me

Added by Loki & Embers on August 10, 2010 at 10:18am — No Comments

July 12 Eclipse... visible in Southern Polynesia - Tahiti areas


Too pretty to not share... These kinds of events are always memorable... I remember a total Moon eclipse in California when I was in Santa Monica - we did a 2 am swim during it!

What do you think are the effects of either sun or moon eclipse - meaning things like those that affect magick of energy... Do you do anything special when you… Continue

Added by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on July 13, 2010 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

hate toward's wiccian

why is it that in this world at our time there are so many people that are haters of all that is not part of there on believes and world, well i say that you are a human if you can not show some compassion for there fellow man or woman, so i just wanted to say to all the haters that we are here to stay and if you do not like it go f--k you self

Added by rowan hawk on July 8, 2010 at 3:08pm — 4 Comments

Quote I adore...

Every religion on the planet, and there are so many more than you are even
aware of, has the potential of absolute thriving. But when you think
you must prove that you have the only one that is right—and you use
your condemnation to push against the others—your condemnation
separates you from your own Connection that, before your condemnation,
were finding in your own religion.

--- Abraham

Added by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on July 2, 2010 at 3:35am — 3 Comments

Apprentice-ship? Anyone?

Im looking for someone to help further my learning of the craft, at the moment all i have is myself and my mate, im very open to learning my due to the strictness of my guardian i can only learn through this site until i graduate highschool (which will be in december), if anyone is willing to help me out it would be much appreciated, but i kinda have a issue with certian personalitys that many people have so ill have to have a convesation with a interested person before i am sure i want to…


Added by Sunny Jaspersky on June 28, 2010 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

A year after Neda's death, Iran movement continues - Role of Disobedience in Society?


I know this doesn't seem like a Pagan news article that I'm sharing, but I wanted to share it to make a couple of points. I was just writing in Cameron's blog - his article about why do Pagans disparage each other? And I was thinking about it and saw this article... In Iran there is a civil unrest which… Continue

Added by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on June 21, 2010 at 2:23am — 1 Comment

the problme with pagans...

Why do we (especially pagans) feel we are superior to one another when it has been proven and stated that "no matter how much we know, there is much more to learn." Why do we think we are above one another? So you are a third degree witch?!?! WTF what is that supposed to mean? Honestly it means jack.Nothing, zero zip nota. What are you saying because you went to some fancy pants pagan school you are better then everyone else? I got news for you. No matter what "degree" you have… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on June 13, 2010 at 7:00am — 18 Comments

hope and love

to is see that a new ppls can join a group and know one chats with tham

even if that say hi frist

what do you think of that

Added by sheila donner on May 28, 2010 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Truest Voodoo…

Truest Voodoo…

Gods whose skin color resembles my own. Gods who are as old as the earth…


Added by Obsidian Sphinx on May 28, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

being a chaos mage.

Being me is way more complex then any of you think, since 5 weeks ago I realized something quite true, there is no proof God exists, therefore there is no proof the Gods exist either, therefore with this knowledge, my faith in the Gods has been shattered, and now that is has, it makes my life a whole lot simpler, because faith is good in moderation, but blind faith is bad in all forms, so with this revelation I say that until there is absolute proof that the Gods, and Jehovah/Allah/YHWH, exist… Continue

Added by Earth's Outcast on May 17, 2010 at 7:10pm — No Comments


Life now that's a thing that we all have to go through, but its not always easy like when i was 3 or so my mom and dad split and i member getting into a taxi and leaving. that was the hardest thing ever!!!!!!!!! So tell how u feel and don't bottle it up or u will eventually explode.

Added by kendyl Gambino on May 8, 2010 at 3:50pm — No Comments

Such A Confuseing World

Through my life I have never followed one path. I have pulled from all teachings I have been exposed to. I'm not sure how to explain this in words, but I try to learn from all symbols of my life.

I'm a Libra according to my birth day. I'm a Metal Ram according to the Chinese Zodiac, in the Celtic beliefs I'm Ivy, and according to Native American beliefs I am a Raven or Crow. All of these have many similarities, and differences as well. I follow the strong similarities, and I question… Continue

Added by Amber Nicole on April 30, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Never Woulda Thought

Always told myself I would never blog. Ah well, times change and so do people and opinions. I prefer to be called Poodle if you don't mind. It's a pet name that has been with me since Middle School.

I guess I;m here in hopes of finding help with figuring out what I am. I've been exposed to so much in my life, I am confused about my spiritual path. Now in… Continue

Added by Amber Nicole on April 29, 2010 at 7:14pm — No Comments


Okay, so im starting to get a hang on my spirituality! Which is good, but there is something that is really bugging me and I cannot figure it out.

Its about my dreams. Im sleeping at night, but im having dreams that seem way too real, and i can remember every detail about them. But what I cant figure out is that, when I wake up, I feel like I havent slept an ounce!

Could it be that I am astral projecting in my sleep? Is that even possible?

If anyone has any suggestions…


Added by Megan E. Davis on April 25, 2010 at 5:06pm — No Comments

So im seeing shadows and reading people

How is this possible? how can i read peoples minds know what they are thinking and tell how they really feel even if they are hiding it ? and there is a weird shadow that tends to visit during the day that follows me and its a man figure taller than i and sometimes he follows my boyfriend.. what is this or who could it be? ive asked it to state whom it is but never a reply.. can anyone help me on this? soon i hope im slowly going blind in my right eye.. and struggling with two tumors in the… Continue

Added by Kelly M Anderson (raven) on April 20, 2010 at 6:16pm — 2 Comments


Words of Brimstone and Light…

I’ve been down this road of duplicitous twists, trysts, paths of both pain and bliss but this is not what bliss is. A heart full of ache, longing for an insincere and venomous kiss.

Your essence reminds me of the demons…


Added by Obsidian Sphinx on April 17, 2010 at 2:52pm — No Comments


Through the eyes of the Dead…(Fiction?)

Looking through the eyes of the dead is frustrating and maddening. It’s like…


Added by Obsidian Sphinx on April 17, 2010 at 2:51pm — No Comments

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