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I still Dream of you, Carol

I still Dream of you, Carol

My eyes will eventually learn not to weep for you

My arms will know there's no need to reach for you

But as long as my heart tells my mind what to do

How can I tell my dreams not to sleep with you?

During my busy days I’ll find ways to keep you out of my mind

But I’ll know you come and go about a thousand times

When the day slowly fades into midnight's deepest blue

I'll close my eyes and realize my dreams will sleep with…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 18, 2011 at 10:44pm — No Comments

Shall I Be

shall i be the wind grazing your cheek, softly blowing your hair, shall i be the moon beautiful and bright in the night sky, searching for you smile, wishing for you to gaze at me with love, shall i be the sun that warms your soul on cold winter days, shall i be the flame casting shadows silhouette in your cabin, shall i be the second beat of your heart that keep you alive, shall i be the very air you breath that keep your lungs filled with joy, shall i be the ghost or a being to keep you…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 10:44pm — No Comments

Empty World

as i walk the streets they're always crowded, everything is black and white, all i can see are dull faces with no features,no emotions, im truly alone my heart tells me, an outcast in the world, blues and greens resonating out from me, its to dull, its to dark, its to quiet, soft cool drops falling on my face, hiding my tear stained eyes, rain humm amazing, why... why am i so alone my heart shouts out to the world, why haven't i found a beautiful soul to bring color to my world, in the…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

For You

your in a cold dark place with know one around, everything seems lost, everything seems pointless, and when there are people around it always seems as if there laughing, you try to cover your ears, and yet the things they say are impossible to tune out, tragedy strikes and reality sits in, there is nothing left to live for, there is nothing holding you here on this plane, seeming impossible thoughts, wanting and yearning for some hand to hold, some shoulder to cry on, someones warmth,…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

A Cold November Night

who am i? where am i? why does it hurt so much? each time, each moment last an eternity, silently watching the stars, wishing for him to grant my wishes, wanting more then ever to have you next to me, stars begin to fall and wishes become real, thoughts of you become even more clear, silence in the night, calm cool breezes pass me by, feeling so alone, so lost, warm arms hold me close, humm your there laying your head on my shoulder, dreaming of forever, the intoxicating scent of your hair,…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Shes like

in such a dismal world i can find something so interesting, the way you smile so innocent, i cant seem to look away, your aura so bright the way you look at life is so interesting, i smile when you giggle or laugh, humm its so weird, and when you look directly at me i cant speak, my heart skips a beat, and im yours

Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

Wiccan Sex

Wiccan Sex


This is an interior page of the Spells and Witchcraft.org site. If you have come here directly bypassing the adult content warning please be aware that this material is for adults only viewing by persons under the age of 18 is strictly forbidden. Otherwise read on…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 5, 2011 at 10:31pm — No Comments

Heterosexuality isn't normal, just common.

Heterosexuality isn't normal, just common.

— Derek Jarman

T he Calyx explores wild sexuality. So what’s that? Sexuality and sexual identity that is diverse, daring, intense or in some other way outside the bounds of the domesticated or civilized norm. In some senses, sexuality itself is “wild”. It is visceral, unpredictable, messy, organic, and viewed by authoritarian societies everywhere as being in need of domestication and control…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 5, 2011 at 10:27pm — No Comments

This seems to be a topic of controversy,

I am having some troubles figuring out where each element belongs on the pentagram. I know that Spirit is the upper point, considering Spirit is my element but the other four decieve me. So tell me if im right, Starting with spirit and continuing Deosil around the pentagram, would it be Air, Water, Fire, Earth or Air, Water, Earth, Fire? Or neither of those.


Added by DeAngela Shuli Lynne Greenberger on December 4, 2011 at 12:27pm — 1 Comment

Colloque Sentimental by Paul VerlaineIn the old park, deserted in the frostIn the old park, deserted in the frostIn the old park, deserted in the frost

In the old park, deserted in the frost

A while ago two shapes came drifting past

Their eyes have died, their lips become so weak

That they can hardly speak

In the old park in the frost

A ghost was reminiscing to a Ghost

-Can you recall our ectasy of long ago ?

-Why stir the memory? why do you want know ?

-Does your heart still beat at the mention of my name as ever ?

Do you still see my spirit in…


Added by Melissa Kara on December 2, 2011 at 6:06am — 2 Comments

my reply to what someone at school said

i am not!!! a satan worshiper and no not just because you say i am does it make me one i am a wiccan i do not believe in creating evil in the world but in fact do i believe in reducing the evil you people "drama creators" cause with your words that harm and deceive even your own religeon i detest your one sided thoughts and i cast you away from me like a stone i need not your negetive energies!!! I am a daughter of our god and goddess and will not allow you to cause there to be harm to me…


Added by lena hope morris on December 1, 2011 at 6:52am — 3 Comments

judge and jury

why are people so cruel and demeaning we judge others on things they were born with! things they cant change! A girl is walking down the hall her hair is white because she was born an albino, people call her a freek! why is she so different because she isnt like you? because her eyes make you feel guilty, because shes kind to everyone even though she knows they talk about her. A boy is walking through school his eyes are two different colors hes a product of incest bullies are constantly…


Added by lena hope morris on December 1, 2011 at 6:21am — 1 Comment

my life

i have always questioned my abilities when i was a baby my family was often confused at my abilitie the first time i was laid on the ground i picked up a four leaf clover and i always seemed to have a way of knowing what was about to happen and i can remember things from when i was just an infant i have had dreems that have awaken even the people next to me they are so strong in magyk i would have days i would go to school  and find things such as small footprints on a wall or i culd imagine…


Added by lena hope morris on November 27, 2011 at 3:34pm — 1 Comment

Tree of Life

To Wither and Die

Under the branches

Of the Tree so mighty and strong

And under the Tree

Your life blood be shed

To heal a wound of Another

Be Reborn again

In the graces of She

Who is all and sees all

Becoming alive once more

Like that of a Phoenix

Alive and Brilliant

To love with more

To live with more

To feel with more

To give with more

A gift of Her

In return for a…


Added by DeAngela Shuli Lynne Greenberger on November 24, 2011 at 1:08pm — No Comments

ThanksGiving is not what you think !

The first official Thanksgiving Day was declared by John Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts Bay colony in 1637, to celebrate the return of the colony’s men from an expedition in which they participated in the massacre of over 700 Pequot Na...tive American children, women, and men, in what is now Mystic, Connecticut.…

Added by Melissa Kara on November 24, 2011 at 11:35am — 7 Comments


A poem written by Renee' Summers, when she was really down and her cancer was affecting her moods...



By Renee’



We live and we die

Does anyone notice it?

Did we ever live?

Or we just passed by?


What if we say? “good morning?”

But everybody understands “good night”?

What if we see the sun?

But everybody is seeing the moonshine?


What if we say? “I love…


Added by Jillian Anka on November 19, 2011 at 9:11pm — No Comments

Incantation To My Goddess



Incantation To My Goddess

A prayer By Renee’ 


I invoke and call upon thee O Mother Goddess

Who shines for all

Who flows through us all


O Mother and Crone

I invite you to my circle


Touch us

Change us

And make us whole

O Gracious Goddess

I now…


Added by Jillian Anka on November 19, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Wiccan Rede





The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must,

in perfect love and perfect trust.

Live and let live -

fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about

to keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time,

let the spell be spake in…


Added by Jillian Anka on November 11, 2011 at 12:12pm — No Comments

The Goddess


The Goddess


The Goddess is the most ancient manifestation of the deeply rooted human urge to project its inner sense of the sacred onto a supreme deity. That such a powerful creator/protector should have been universally concieved of as female is hardly surprising: in prehistoric times, women's apparently awesome powers over life--of spontaneously generating children, sustaining their offspring with breast milk, and…


Added by Jillian Anka on November 11, 2011 at 12:06pm — No Comments

Goddess Charge



Goddess Charge

"Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret (sacred) place and adore the spirit of me who is queen of all the wise (witcheries).

Sing, feast, dance, make music and love all in my presence. For mine is the ecstacy of the spirit and mine also is joy on earth.

For My law is love unto all beings

Mine is the secret that opens upon the…


Added by Jillian Anka on November 11, 2011 at 12:02pm — No Comments

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