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hello my name's lena and i know i have da shealladh but never have i encountered one of the fae i seen ghost i have preminitions i can hear the deads words but it seems as though faeries hide from me any suggestions

Added by lena hope morris on February 20, 2012 at 9:26am — 1 Comment

just one of my songs

your heart you say belongs to me

and your soul its sound rolls on

and your eyes they hipnotize me

with your kiss being so sweet


you've broken it down

you got through my wall

there is so much i dont understand

and with your kiss one pair of lips

you opened up my gates


so rusted i didn't believe it possible

you must be unstopable

cuz' thhis is a miracle

unbelievable you've stole me…


Added by lena hope morris on February 20, 2012 at 8:44am — No Comments

the song of love by lena morris

im his one

im his only

when im with him

i dont get lonely

in his eyes i see the light of our love 

and that was just enogh

then his smile turned to me

and thats when he got down on his knee

yes the only answer i could dreem

his arms wrapped round me oh so tight 

hes my protection from the night 

he is my whole life

and when im lost

he'll find me out

and when im gone and turn around



Added by lena hope morris on February 17, 2012 at 3:45pm — No Comments

dragons are real!!!

this dragon was found in  romania just a few years ago the other in 1996 there are many jarred fetusses of dragons many scientist will tell you dragons existed im here to tell you they still do. Obviously many ideas of dragons are stereotypical as in they breath fire or they are nothing but evil. Dragons are actually highly intellegent reptiles now im not saying you can walk out your front door and find a dragon. dragons descovered long ago a speacial terms of camoflauge in wich they…


Added by lena hope morris on February 13, 2012 at 1:12pm — 2 Comments

ballad for the young ones

hush now baby,

don't you cry.


hush now lovely,

it'll be alright.


the sun will come soon,

wash away your fears.


so, hush now darling,

don't shed a tear.


i'll be here for forever and a day,

now calm your fears dear, it'll be okay


the Gods, they watch you,

help keep you in the bright


now hush my baby,

all will be alright.

Added by Nicole troyer (SongWeaver) on February 8, 2012 at 4:14pm — No Comments

lullaby of the Great Lady

My love is like an Ocean

- Endless Ocean made of Stars.


When I look upon your Face,

I see there all your Scars.


These Scars show what you've been through,

what you've Done,

and who you've Lost.

They're part of why i love you,

fore they've made you who You are.


Your Eyes,

They are my Oceans.

Your smiles,

Make up my stars.


every time I see you,

see the love…


Added by Nicole troyer (SongWeaver) on February 8, 2012 at 4:06pm — No Comments

One Voice

One Voice

By Renee’


I see the world

And I just want to cry

I wish I had the power to fix the world

To fix the things I see going wrong

To fix the hurt we place on each other

To fix the damage we are doing to our Mother Earth

But I am only one woman

One voice

Please will you help me



I see children being used

I see children being abused

Being fed crack and…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 19, 2012 at 8:42pm — No Comments

Words of Submission (not for the faint hearted)

Words of Submission (not for the faint hearted)

The Writings of Renee’ Summer


We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way. A continual atmosphere of hectic passion is very trying if you haven't got any of your own. Slave isn't just a word; it's a way of life, a defined action.

Is my kink better than your kink? Never! It is just…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 19, 2012 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Dying Flower

Dying Flower

By Renee’


Like a flower

But not a flower

No one cares

When its petals wrinkle and fall

And the petals lie discarded at the roadside

But although most are unmoved

I constantly think about this sadness

The tangle of wounded tendrils

My mournful eyes, full of sleep

About to open

Yet still in a dream

Ten thousand miles away

In search of love


Do not pity the…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 18, 2012 at 12:48am — 1 Comment



By Renee’


When the twilight comes

And she catches me with you

She sends me to your house

Who could have understood?

How I felt

Who could have understood?

All I see is blue

Because I want to be with you



In our place

And in our time

But as it…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 18, 2012 at 12:47am — No Comments

A night with Her



A night with Her

By Renee’


A special dinner

That's what I set out to do

To show her how special she was

To show her my love was true

A candle light dinner

We sat down to eat

Looking deep into her eyes

Our souls did meet


After we ate dinner

To the couch we…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 18, 2012 at 12:43am — 1 Comment


Red is my desire

Red like brightest fire

Red like the burning

Deep within my heart

Red like red

The deepest of reds

She's simply off the chart

Eyes so green

They seem to gleam

They pierce into

My soul

This emerald cutie

This angelic beauty

Making broken me


Such a pretty girl

Like the prettiest pearl

Prettiest in all

The world

Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on January 15, 2012 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Green Eyes

Sitting there lonely…


Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on January 15, 2012 at 12:14pm — 1 Comment

My new “BEING” prayer

My new “BEING” prayer

By Jillian


I am a new Woman

I am a free Woman

I am a whole Woman

I am better than before!

I am a wise Woman

I am a kind Woman

I am a Light Woman

I am better than before!


I promise to be gentle with myself

I Will Love Myself

I Am a Child of the Universe

Being Reborn with each breath

Bringing love, and peace into this…


Added by Jillian Anka on January 8, 2012 at 8:35am — No Comments

What Does Love Mean?

What Does Love Mean?


This is from a widely circulated email where the source is unknown:


A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:


"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all even when his hands got…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 28, 2011 at 8:03pm — No Comments

Middle Pillar Ritual from "Magick" by Aleister Crowley

The Middle Pillar Ritual, or MPR, is a good method for centering, practicing one’s

visualizations and adding a higher dimension to lessons one and two. The MPR uses

traditional Qabalistic powers to energize the Sephiroth (spheres) of the Middle Pillar of

the traditional Tree of Life: Kether, Daath, Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth. The

influences of these correspond nicely to the Eastern conception of “chakras,” or energy

centers, of which there are principally seven:…


Added by Voxifera L. Diana on December 26, 2011 at 2:46pm — No Comments


okay so i keep having these dreams where i stress my mind really hard and i start to like levitate and it SO real i mean i can actually feal this weird sensation in my body and when i wake up im sweating and tense and i still have the sensation but its lighter can someone help me find out what this means?

Added by lena hope morris on December 25, 2011 at 9:16am — 4 Comments

Not happy today

Not happy today


Why do I keep speaking?

When there's not much to say?

Why keep pretending?

When I don't feel right today

I can't keep denying I am hurting you by just being around

When your doubt leads to your hurt

And I have left you bruised on the surface and bleeding within

Nothing can help this state that you’re in


Tumbling down like rain from the sky

My a tears on the brink

Begging to…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 18, 2011 at 11:19pm — No Comments




You're the only thing I think about

It’s so confusing I’m gonna shout

You’re the one who was hurt

And I knew then you were going to walk out

And still you're the only one I can't live without

You’re more important to me than air

Being without you I cannot bear

Us parting is so unfair


My mind says: you hurting her

So just leave her

But my heart won't obey

No, it won't dare!!



Added by Jillian Anka on December 18, 2011 at 11:02pm — No Comments

Thoughts Of A Love Lost

Thoughts Of A Love Lost



I wonder what you're doing now, if you ever think of me,

the ways we loved each other, and how things used to be.

Do I blow across your mind some days, invade your dreams at night,

when love was real and we were young and held each other tight.

Broken roads we walked upon, paths trodden long ago,

now and then I do go back... Oh Yes, how I loved you so!

Distant thoughts that I remember, still can make me feel so…


Added by Jillian Anka on December 18, 2011 at 10:48pm — No Comments

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