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Lonesome Traveler

Lonesome is the road I travle upon

In search of sustinance

But yet I've found none

That which I seek and have not found

Will hopefully come to me

As I search the world abound

I search every city far and near

I have been wondering aimelesly for many a year

Who is it I'm searching for

What is it that I seek

I've searched every Vally, Mountain, Summit and Peak

Where are you precious thing

For in your hands you hold… Continue

Added by Draggonlance on March 13, 2013 at 8:43pm — No Comments

March: Mad Hatters and Snake Chasers

Every year I like to give a big welcome to the month of March! It seems to be the month everybody loves to hate! Normally, I do this during the first show of the month, so I'm a bit late.

Nonetheless, this week, March will be our topic, complete with Mad Hatters and Snake-Chasers! We'll see if I can maybe help you get a different perspective on this time of the year. We'll be talking about the folklore of the March Hare. Plus, I have an Irish Story of Magick which I'll be reading…


Added by Hawthorne on March 12, 2013 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Full Moon Meditations

I'm dedicating this week's show to the Full Moon. The Full Snow Moon accured on Monday, Feb. 25th. So, for me, and the folks who listen to the show live, we were doing the show during the full moon. But for most everyone else, listening a little after the full moon is still ok. They say the full moon's power and energy is available to be used for three nights- the actual night of the full moon, plus two nights after.

I'm presenting a series of meditations for you to listen to and…


Added by Hawthorne on February 27, 2013 at 11:55am — No Comments

Magick on Four Legs

This week our theme is Lions and tigers and bears - oh my!. Well, actually, cats and birds and horses - the magick of animals.

We'll look at how we can relate to animals on the magickal level, and how that should effect our relationships with them on the physical plane as well. We'll talk about familiars; animals in myth, and animals in ritual.

And I've got some stories on tape surrounding animals and magick. And our music will all have something to do with…


Added by Hawthorne on February 20, 2013 at 1:26pm — No Comments

Time for loooveee

Valentine day being around the corner popped Pilothes in my mind.

Beautiful Greek goddess and daughter to almighty Nyx.

Pilothes is personification of affection, sexual intercourse and friendship.

I'll give her an offer, maybe she accepts it.…


Added by Martine Calaveera on February 11, 2013 at 2:14pm — 1 Comment


This week's show is a celebration of the sabbat, Imbolc, which will be on Saturday, February 2.

It marks the 1/2-Way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox (which is cause-enough to celebrate!).

Imbolc is a Primary Cross Quarter sabbat, Sacred to the Goddess Brigid, known by many as the Queen Mother of Ireland.

So we talk about some of the history and symbolism of Imbolc and Brigid's associations. And I'll share with you a traditional Irish myth of Brigid. This…


Added by Hawthorne on January 29, 2013 at 1:59pm — No Comments

The Stars of Winter

This week we gaze at the clear cold night sky as we honor The Stars of Winter. And we take it a step further as we honor two special "stars" of Winter; the Norse Goddess Skadi, and the Norse God, Ullr.

We start with an invocation to the Goddess of Winter, the Goddess of snow, ice and sleep.

Then we look up to find The Winter Triangle. Stars that are part of the Winter Triangle teache us that their forces can aid in the service to those of us who are spiritually…


Added by Hawthorne on January 22, 2013 at 4:50pm — No Comments

Pagan by the Numbers

This week as we talk about Numerology

People have been assigning specific meanings to numbers all down the ages. But, actually, the word, "Numerology" was never used until very recently. We'll talk a bit about this history and some of the meanings that people have given to numbers theorey.

Then we'll look at some specific numbers. Of course meaning can be attached to virtually any number at all, so I'm just going t go over some of the more popular ones!

We start with the…


Added by Hawthorne on January 15, 2013 at 6:14pm — No Comments

A proposed Pagan Intentional Living community proposed in Arizona

The Valraven Temple in the East Valley of Phoenix, AZ, seeks to establish an eclectic Intentional Living Community. We're seeking Pagans of all traditions. The community, will live a countryside/desert environment, close to cities, and easy access to Mesa, Tempe, Chandler. and Phoenix Metro area. Housing, will be provided in limited, and open to singles. couples. People with children are allowed Camping ares will be available. Proposed residents will share housing expenses and do community…


Added by Mel J. Fleming II on January 8, 2013 at 7:39pm — No Comments

Janus, Coming and Going

As we walk through the doors of a New Year, let's start by paying homage to the Roman God, Janus! The God of Beginnings and Transitions, the Romans invoked Janus first, before any other god.

Then, in the second half of the show, I want to play for you a recorded guided meditation. This is presented by Salena Fox, Wiccan Elder and founder of Circle Sanctuary. We're going to listen to "The Magick Cauldron; A Vision Quest into Past, Present and Future".



Added by Hawthorne on January 8, 2013 at 6:35pm — No Comments

The First Day

Happy New Year, everyoine!

Our topic this week is New Years' and the month of January. We start out with a New Year's prayer/spell, using an hour glass to meditate on changes that occur at this time of year. This was originally penned by Silver Ravenwolf. Then we'll talk about some holiday traditions, including a figure from Italian folk-tradition, known as La Bafanna, and also the Scottish New Year festival called Hogmany. And we'll also look at meaning and…


Added by Hawthorne on December 24, 2012 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Balancing the Scales of the Sexes

Almost everyone in this planet percieves men to be the ones who carry strength do to their physical genetics. I was raised by single mother and I've been around enough females to see the strength a real woman carries within her and I can honestly say that the strength a woman carries can be matched by no man, wether if they are giving birth, or making a living in a system of existance that subjectifies them and beats…

Added by Gio Kandemir on December 11, 2012 at 10:27pm — No Comments

positive energy

Hello friends...
I'm in need of some help. my love is going to have back surgery this monday. and i would be very thankful if you could send her lots of positive energy.

Added by randy hinkle on December 7, 2012 at 8:27am — No Comments

The Gathering or Our Tribes

Happy Thanksgiving! It's our National Gathering of Our Tribes. This week we talk a bit about some of the earlier European traditions that the American holiday of Thanksgiving is born out of.

Plus, see how much you know about the United States, with my little 20-question quiz! Then check my website for the answers.

And we'll talk about how you can make your Thanksgiving meal a MAGICKAL meal. Plus I've some American Folk Customs and finally, I'll read for you the ORIGINAL…


Added by Hawthorne on November 20, 2012 at 11:49am — No Comments

The Story of Living my life as a Wiccan Christian

Some people say how can you be both? Aren't you confused? In all honesty, there are times I am confused as to where to begin the research. But, I am not confused. I have never been the type of person that could follow one path because I never fit in as one particular religion. How can I be both you ask again? Well very easily, I believe that God created this world and Wicca allows me a way to worship the nature that he created and honor it through my rituals and spells. I do acknowledge all…


Added by Candice Darden (Cecilia Rose) on November 17, 2012 at 10:40am — 2 Comments

A journey and an outcome...

My boyfriend led me on a guided meditation the other night so that I might see who my Goddess was. I had been trying to figure out just who called to me but was unable to hear her. So I went on this journey to seek her out.

I started on the beach at sunset. I stood close to the waters edge, next to me a fire burned in a fire pit. I could smell the salt and the burning wood. I was at peace here with the warm sand beneath my bare feet. As I watched the waves lap at the beach She…


Added by Jessi Kidgell on November 6, 2012 at 9:06pm — 1 Comment

Holy Grail / Holy Cauldron

The theme for this week's show is the so-called Holy Grail. What is this thing that people through time are supposed to be so enamored of? Did it ever even exist?

Follow along as we go back to the 13-th century and we'll see if we could make any real sense of it.

And, finally, just after The Spiral Dance Spell of the Week, listen for something very special!

Added by Hawthorne on October 24, 2012 at 8:33pm — No Comments

Stones, Trees and the Earth; Speaking with the Gods

This week on The Spiral Dance, we delve into the meaning and uses of Divination.

You know; to conduct a Divination IS to have a conversation with the Gods! So we'll talk about how Divination has played a role in history. Then we'll look at a few well-known methods of Divination.

We'll start with Divination of Stones, through Runes - what are Runes and how are they used. Then we'll look at Divination of Trees with the Celtic Ogham alphabet. And, finally - Earth Prophesy through…


Added by Hawthorne on October 9, 2012 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Water Magick for Autumn

We're getting into the thick of autumn, as the days become cooler and nights become longer.

In occult terms, autumn is associated with The West, and with Water. Water is associated with The Moon, the Goddess and with Emotions. So this week, we talk about Water Magick.

Part of the traditional lore of Water are Water Spirits. So we'll listen to a recorded spoken word traditional story called, "The Selkie", as presented by Mara Freeman.

And then, let's also talk about our…


Added by Hawthorne on October 2, 2012 at 12:43pm — No Comments

The Stars of Autumn

Welcome Autumn!

Autumn brings about subtle changes in all of us. Our consciousness begins to shift from the more actively mental to the more psychically receptive state appropriate for the Dark Half of the year. So, this week in honor of Autumn I want to talk about The Stars of Autumn.

And, who are the Stars of Autumn? Firstly, the Great Goddess Herself. I have for you The Charge of the Autumn Goddess. And along with that we'll talk a bit about some of the Astrological forces…


Added by Hawthorne on September 25, 2012 at 1:27pm — No Comments

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