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OESTRE Vernal Equanox. Last Solar Festival For The Dark Half Of The Year. Celtic

When day and night are equal, may you know the blossoming of the living tree, and also in us as human beings. God and Goddess, fire and water, in equality and balance, For the spirit of humanity as we know in Source.. Blessed Be in Harmlessness. Happy Vernal Equanox.

Added by Laura Berry on March 18, 2016 at 6:28pm — No Comments

OESTRE Vernal Equanox. Last Solar Festival For The Dark Half Of The Year. Celtic

When day and night are equal, may you know the blossoming of the living tree, and also in us as human beings. God and Goddess, fire and water, in equality and balance, For the spirit of humanity as we know in Source.. Blessed Be in Harmlessness. Happy Vernal Equanox.

Added by Laura Berry on March 18, 2016 at 6:28pm — No Comments


Upon a circling Earth that is our home in the universe, see the new moon, the moon of wish and willing. At the time of the dark moon, light a candle, sow a seed, and in harmlessness in this act of creation may your will be done. Blessed Be in our Source.

Added by Laura Berry on February 10, 2016 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment

Imbolc January 31st

Now begins the subtle end of winter and with it the ending of the space of darkness, which is the time of blessed rest for all upon the Earth. At this space and time upon the circling Earth, the the hours of the day are slowly increasing at sunrise and sunset. And at this time of Imbolc, as we now approach Oestre on March 21st, we begin to know and see the subtle time of the beginning of light. Merry Imbolc and Blessed be in our Source in harmlessness.

Added by Laura Berry on January 25, 2016 at 5:01pm — No Comments

Imbolc January 31st

Now begins the subtle end of winter and with it the ending of the space of darkness, which is the time of blessed rest for all upon the Earth. At this space and time upon the circling Earth, the the hours of the day are slowly increasing at sunrise and sunset. And at this time of Imbolc, as we now approach Oestre on March 21st, we begin to know and see the subtle time of the beginning of light. Merry Imbolc and Blessed be in our Source in harmlessness.

Added by Laura Berry on January 25, 2016 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

The Living Tree

On Solstice day cemeaning of the winter tree

Added by Laura Berry on December 19, 2015 at 6:19pm — No Comments

Winter Solstice

Remember the time of darkness in all its beauty. Mid -way on solstice day, and think of the Earth our home as it holds us as we spin within the heavens. And know the circle will be complete, as again we will be met in the Time of Light. As the sun rises and as it sets, Do no Harm. And Blessed Be, In Our Source.

Added by Laura Berry on December 8, 2015 at 4:30pm — No Comments


My name is Cambria.  I am looking for some guidance in Wicca.  I am a beginner and in need of a teacher.

Added by Cambria Copling on November 16, 2015 at 7:24am — 15 Comments

The Dark Half Of The Year. October 31.st to November 1.st

Rituals for Samhain, All-Hallows and Day of the Dead. For Samhain place a pumpkin outside your doorstep, a pumpkin can be any fruit that comes from our Earth. The meaning is of harvest, then eat of the fruit the next day. For All Hallows a carved pumpkin is left at the doorstep, our face carved into it to understand that we are also part of the Earth, and  to know of the carved fruit as it has decayed as we have carved it. For Day of the Dead, November 1.st, leave an empty plate upon your…


Added by Laura Berry on October 22, 2015 at 5:16pm — No Comments

The Dark Half Of The Year. October 31.st to November 1.st

Rituals for Samhain, All-Hallows and Day of the Dead. For Samhain place a pumpkin outside your doorstep, a pumpkin can be any fruit that comes from our Earth. The meaning is of harvest, then eat of the fruit the next day. For All Hallows a carved pumpkin is left at the doorstep, our face carved into it to understand that we are also part of the Earth, and  to know of the carved fruit as it has decayed as we have carved it. For Day of the Dead, November 1.st, leave an empty plate upon your…


Added by Laura Berry on October 22, 2015 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Blesed be in our Source.

 As we do no harm.  

Added by Laura Berry on October 12, 2015 at 5:46pm — No Comments

Blesed be in our Source.

 As we do no harm.  

Added by Laura Berry on October 12, 2015 at 5:46pm — No Comments

New Moon

 Blessed be to all Wiccan at this time of the new moon. The cresent moon now ending.. a time for new wish and will. In the Source.

Added by Laura Berry on October 9, 2015 at 6:36pm — No Comments

New Moon

 Blessed be to all Wiccan at this time of the new moon. The cresent moon now ending.. a time for new wish and will. In the Source.

Added by Laura Berry on October 9, 2015 at 6:36pm — No Comments

New Moon

 Blessed be to all Wiccan at this time of the new moon. The cresent moon now ending.. a time for new wish and will. In the Source.

Added by Laura Berry on October 9, 2015 at 6:36pm — No Comments

New Moon

 Blessed be to all Wiccan at this time of the new moon. The cresent moon now ending.. a time for new wish and will. In the Source.

Added by Laura Berry on October 9, 2015 at 6:36pm — No Comments

IN THE CIRCLE OF SOURCE A Blessing For October

       For the last full month of the time of Light before Samhain and the beginning of the time of Darkness, where the full circle is met on the 31-st. When light meets dark on this day of balance, light a candle and place the Pumpkin, any  which is of the fruit of the Earth outside your door.. for the Time of Light that will come again and for the harvest to be.

       HAPPY OCTOBER in our Source.  

Added by Laura Berry on October 1, 2015 at 1:49pm — No Comments

IN THE CIRCLE OF SOURCE A Blessing For October

       For the last full month of the time of Light before Samhain and the beginning of the time of Darkness, where the full circle is met on the 31-st. When light meets dark on this day of balance, light a candle and place the Pumpkin, any  which is of the fruit of the Earth outside your door.. for the Time of Light that will come again and for the harvest to be.

       HAPPY OCTOBER in our Source.  

Added by Laura Berry on October 1, 2015 at 1:49pm — No Comments


       The native people of North America were of FAITH. They knew the Source through the natural world and they did in respect and reverence. Buffalo, Bear, Eagle and Salmon were known as LIVING SPIRIT and Source upon the Earth.  As spirit they were celebrated and worshiped as part of creation. The Popes canonization of the 'fountain-head' of the Carmel mission in Northern California was more than contemptuous. Instead the pope should have offered an apology to the ancestors of the native…


Added by Laura Berry on September 25, 2015 at 5:17pm — No Comments


       The native people of North America were of FAITH. They knew the Source through the natural world and they did in respect and reverence. Buffalo, Bear, Eagle and Salmon were known as LIVING SPIRIT and Source upon the Earth.  As spirit they were celebrated and worshiped as part of creation. The Popes canonization of the 'fountain-head' of the Carmel mission in Northern California was more than contemptuous. Instead the pope should have offered an apology to the ancestors of the native…


Added by Laura Berry on September 25, 2015 at 5:17pm — No Comments

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