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December 2013 Blog Posts (5)

A Night In The Old South

A Night In The Old South

Ellen heard muffled voices somewhere off in the darkness and froze in her tracks. The rutted path upon which she struggled to keep her footing had no doubt been recently trampled by soldiers on their way to and from the irregular picket-lines which the tattered remnants of the Georgia Militia had stretched thinly through the woods northwest of Savannah to…


Added by Ariel on December 31, 2013 at 9:36pm — 1 Comment

The Warriors of Light

Born under oaken leaves,
We meet in fields beyond the trees.

The song of flames guide your sword,
Stars and stones carry out thy word.

Through shadows, under black sunlight,
Once together we harness our might.

Mist and cloud, shadow and shade,
Together, our light shall never fade.

Added by Draggonlance on December 22, 2013 at 7:14am — No Comments

Faerie Circles


The rains had come aplenty with the early spring and everything seemed so much greener than March ought to be. I honestly didn’t think much of Helen’s plan for our outing today as I knew the lane leading back into the woods would be awash with muddy puddles. The odds of us getting our biskees paddled for dragging our hems in the watery ruts the tractor had left in the narrow dirt lane going back to the woods were pretty…


Added by Ariel on December 21, 2013 at 9:28pm — 2 Comments

Blessed Yule

Blessed Yule to one and all! This week we celebrate the Winter Solstice, which occurs on Saturday, the 22nd this year. We'll call back to God of the Sun, Light and Hope and prepare ourselves for the coming New Year.

I have a Yule Poem, to put you in the mood. Also, we'll talk about the Original Snow Queen, Mother Holle, and Holda. Also, Yule Trees, Pomegranites, Santa as the Holly King and Haunted Christmas Toys!

Then, the Spiral Dance Spell of the Week toward the end of the…


Added by Hawthorne on December 17, 2013 at 7:22am — No Comments

Dark Spirits of December

This week, as we welcome December under a Dark Moon, we dance with The Dark Spirits of December! December's Full Moon is called The Cold Moon, and for good reason. We wait in Darkness as we await the return of the Sun at Yule.

I'm going to read for you an abridged version of Inana's descent to the Under World. And from way up north, we'll talk about Louhi, the Fierce Finnish Goddess of the Arctic.

Then, finally - this time of Dark and…


Added by Hawthorne on December 3, 2013 at 7:55am — No Comments

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