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The under ground realm of Pluto

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Comment by Andonis Spartan on December 26, 2009 at 10:05am
This is the underground realm or pallace dedicated to Plouto or Hades god of the underworld.Plouto means riches,wealth as from underground we get metals and the grains which during the winter are dormant to come to life in the spring.Also it was an oracle of the dead.Initiates after fasting,prayer and purification would communicate with the dead relatives,heroes or demi-gods to ask for advice or cure.It was completely destroyed by the monotheists by building above the oracle a christian cemetery and church.It was unearthed in 1960.Archaeologists removed the cemetery but they left unfortunatelly only the church.Misfortune hit the excavator
Comment by nurul azam on December 25, 2009 at 9:45am
this tunel is very simmilar with"ilora azanta"in india.may be end of the tunel a statue or stupa was there onece upon a time.

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