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In his fourth lecture, author Thomas King turns to the stories that Native people tell about themselves, both orally, and in print, and how these stories can be used to imagine a Native future. - Слушайте Revisiting Thomas King's Massey Lectures, Part Four by Ideas моментально на планшете, телефоне или в браузере - загрузка не In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: 1. "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start; 2. You're Not the Indian I Had in Mind; 3. Let Me Entertain You; 4. A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark; and 5 The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative, by Thomas King was originally part of the CBC Massey Lectures and so was not originally consumed in written format. So, as a class we read the book out loud or listened to Thomas King tell his stories in order to consume this text orally. "The Truth About Stories Is, That's All We Are": The
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