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de M Aguirre Alonso · 2020 — The main task of this thesis is the analysis of the initial data u0 of Schrödinger's initial value problem in order to determine certain properties of its de M Aguirre · 2020 · Citado por 2 — The idea is to find lower bounds for the solution giving conditions at time t = 0 together with a size condition on the potential. After analyzing the elliptic 5 jul 2022 — PDF | This paper provides a survey on studies that analyze the macroeconomic effects of intellectual property rights (IPR). Chapter 7 THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE. Tjipto Prastowo, Ph.D Endah Rahmawati, M.Si. De Broglie Hypothesis The equivalence between a) a moving de J Thomson · Citado por 292 — This paper proposes an expanded typology for uncertainty, drawing from past frameworks targeted at scientific computing. The typology provides de JÁ Chiodi · 2015 — The fuzzy sets theory allows building suitable models from uncertain economic functions, where the uncertainty is incorporated through the use of de PAM Dmac · 1948 · Citado por 1801 — If one supposes that a particle with a single magnetic pole can exist and that it interacts with charged particles, the laws of quantum mechanics lead to the wealthy families, the terrible uncertainty overshadowing many families of the poor—these are The Relation of Economic Welfare to the National Dividend.de JB Götte · 2005 · Citado por 8 — PDF DataCite Editor: Institute of Physics Publishing However, in the uncertainty relation for angular momentum and angular position both sides of de DT Pegg · 2005 · Citado por 52 — PDF DataCite Editor: Institute of Physics Publishing The corresponding uncertainty relation for angular momentum and angular
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