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8086 microprocessor instruction set with example

8086 microprocessor instruction set with example
















8086 AND logical Instruction The AND instruction is 8086 microcontroller is performs bit by bit logical AND operation of two operands and places the result in the specified destination. Example - Assembly Language Program MOV AL, 10101110b AND AL, 11110110b ; result in AL=10100110b = A6h Emulator Result 8086 OR Logical Instruction 8086 Microprocessor Assembly Comparison Example . 8086 JO Branch Instruction Assembly Example. If the result is too large to fit in the destination register, then it will set overflow bit to 1. The JO instruction checks the overflow flag. If it is 1, the control will be transferred to NEXT label which will then display message of 8086 INSTRUCTION SET DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS 8086 will generate a type 0 interrupt. All flags are undefined after a DIV instruction. If you want to divide a byte by a byte, you must first put the dividend byte in AL and fill AH with all 0's. Likewise, if you want to divide a word by another word, then put the dividend word in AX and 8086 microprocessor instruction set ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR 8086 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY >> READ ONLINE The instruction bytes are transferred to the instruction queue. EU executes instructions from the instruction system byte queue. 4 Both units operate asynchronously to give the 8086 an overlapping instruction fetch and execution mechanism which is called as Pipelining. 1. INSTRUCTION SET OF 8086 MICRPOROCESSOR. 2. CATEGORIES The instruction set are categorized into the following types: Data transfer instructions Arithmetic instructions Logical instructions Flag manipulation instructions shift and rotate instructions String instructions 8086 assembler directives. 3. The 8086 (also called iAPX 86) is a 16-bit microprocessor chip designed by Intel between early 1976 and June 8, 1978, when it was released. The Intel 8088, released July 1, 1979, is a slightly modified chip with an external 8-bit data bus (allowing the use of cheaper and fewer supporting ICs), and is notable as the processor used in the original IBM PC design. Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor & Its Classification. The first commercially successful microprocessor is the 8085 microprocessor by Intel. This microprocessor was mainly developed to eliminate the drawbacks of 8080 architecture. 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit microprocessor because at a time it works on 8-bits and the technology used The 8086 microprocessor is a16-bit, N-channel, HMOS microprocessor. Where the HMOS is used for " High-speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor ". Intel 8086 is built on a single semiconductor chip and packaged in a 40-pin IC package. The type of package is DIP (Dual Inline Package). Intel 8086 uses 20 address lines and 16 data- lines. The way of specifying data to be operated by an instruction is known as addressing modes. This specifies that the given data is an immediate data or an address. It also specifies whether the given operand is register or register pair. Register mode - In this type of addressing mode both the operands are registers. Microprocessor Microcontroller 8086 These instructions are used to perform operations where data bits are involved, i.e. operations like logical, shift, etc. We can say that these instructions are logical instructions. In 8086, the destination register may or may not the Accumulator. Let us see the logical instructions of 8086 microprocessor. Instruct


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