Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

The rise of a Tidal Wave

sending me crashing

to the shore


While I struggle in silence

the surge washes over me

A feeling that I abhorre


I fall naked with my sorrow

knowing that nevermore



As my soul roughly crashes

my mind screams nevermore



That I the lonesome Siren

landed in a place so unclean

my body screams nevermore!


Lying in a pool of unwanted desire

the shock of my wretched disgust

that I succumbed to so unjust


Leaves me weak unable to speak

I lie on the ground

listening to my crashing heartbeat.


The foam of my salty spray

the guilt that I shall alay

while I rise above the sea


I quickly run and hide

between shadows that don't care

their silence covering me


Hanging my head in shame

no one there to blame

I steady myself with fortitude


The night envelopes me

no one shall ever see

piteous me; nevermore!



















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