Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Wiccans of The World


Wiccans of The World

A Group of Wiccans from around the world

Website: http://wicca.com
Location: Lakeland, Florida
Members: 163
Latest Activity: Nov 27, 2017

The Wiccan Rede

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.

Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Discussion Forum

what was you in your past life(s)?

Started by Renee Sampson. Last reply by paul martin king Feb 27, 2011. 1 Reply


Started by Cassandra. Last reply by sharon Dec 13, 2010. 8 Replies

What does my dream mean??

Started by Jessica Phillips Feb 3, 2010. 0 Replies


Started by tommy berry. Last reply by Lady Euphoria Sep 23, 2009. 11 Replies

taking are right of reliogon

Started by kia pettus. Last reply by Jade Dec 1, 2008. 14 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Wiccans of The World to add comments!

Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on March 6, 2009 at 10:27am
Why is it that the military allows the practice of every other main stream religion except paganism. Im Wiccan and have found it hard to try and get any support from the Chaplins
Comment by Wiccan High Priest on January 26, 2009 at 8:54am
hello all of you
Comment by Midnyte on January 23, 2009 at 9:29am
love u all! *hugz*
Comment by penelope on January 1, 2009 at 12:49am
hi guys
Comment by Jason on December 31, 2008 at 9:11am
happy new year everyone
Comment by Cassandra on December 31, 2008 at 8:22am
Just want to wish a everyone a Happy New Year!!.

Comment by Morgan on December 12, 2008 at 12:44pm
Anyone know of any wiccan festivals in Northern Maine?
Comment by Cat_of>curiousity13 on December 11, 2008 at 6:05pm
Hi im a wiccan sayin hi from Scotland UK feel free to come an have a blether on ma page or leave a comment lol or just add me the more the merrier love and light to all.

Comment by Dragons Warlock on December 11, 2008 at 3:08pm
thanks for having my kind here.if anyone has questions don't hesitate to ask. i'll answer all i can. look forward to talkin to y'allWiccan stuff at BlessedCoven.com
Wiccan stuff at BlessedCoven.com
Comment by genevieve nicole drouin on December 10, 2008 at 10:49am
hi, everyone. i wish i could find a teacher, to teach me about being a wiccan , because i always thought that being a witch was kinda cool. can anyone help me?

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