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i started getting into magik and rituals once i found out the truth about satanism now im a satanist i dont know that much about magik but i know a lot about power

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i am sorry to hear that however i need to inform you that satanism is completely different than Wicca, Pagan, or any other religion, it focuses on the absolute evil and the power that corrupts, if you wish to learn the true meaning of Wicca then please feel free to read http://wicca.com. Wicca is about peace love and happiness not slaughter, death, and disease. This is a common misconception of this religion due to misinformation or just the lack there of.
my husban & i r wiccan not satinnist i know the meaning of wicca i have lived my life the wiccan way for 4 years now my husban is just know learning and he should not be denied any of r spitrial books
I am glad to hear that your husband is learning the way of the Wicca, if you want some spiritual guides/books check out that link for wicca.com it is a site built by a couple of friends of mine that has just about everything you ever wanted to know about wicca.
I don't know much about santanism but I don't think Christ started it. In a way everything good must have an oppisite equal I understand this and I think that good adds on to the good that is already there and the same with evil, It is too premature to say who started what when the earth is so much older than us. To look to obtain power can only create one thing the desire to have more power which leads down a path. Or a man who is always thirsty but never without drink.
well i dont think satanists have much to say about satan cos there is no satan

wicca is a relatively newage way of life i dont see it as a religeon just like the pagans its all factual history

and a great way of staying healthy and avoiding so many trips to the doctor when u make ur own medicines from the earth we stand on and live in there is a moon and a sun mother earth is in us all the energies that make everything what it is i dont think there is a better feeling in the world than freedom and thats wicca .
So if you believe in satan and hell then i wouldnt think you were bad and powerful i would just think silly person hasnt got a clue I mean come on you cant actually believe there is an almighty power that exists for negative energy apart from dodgy leylines maybe you sleep on one thats where you get this evil power trip your on but hey like i said we are all free to believe whatever we want to and good luck to you in all your morbidity and sorrow i shall send some healing to you it might help your present state of mind maybe you are depressed try some st johns wort natural remdies are better than docs pills but only when advised .Love and Light to you i think
I must say that , Cat I'm very disappointed in ur reply , This is a NeoPagan website which means there are many different pagan groups among us here with many different beliefs and even though as wiccans we don't believe in the existance of an evil being and direct our attention towards love and light , not everyone follows our path . As sad as it is to hear that our friend follows a darker path it is his path to choose . We can always offer spiritual advise and I love ur comments about health and natural medications but ur comment of : well i dont think satanists have much to say about satan cos there is no satan is like Catholics telling us all witches are bad ! His path may not be yours or even one U understand but it is his path , don't mock him for it !
Gentle Breezes
~Blessed Be~
I agree with you mostly Lady Euphoria, but you said we don't believe in the existance of an evil being. Now, I do not believe in satan in the least part, but I do believe there are spirits and presences out there that are evil and try to harm people. Heck, if there weren't, we wouldn't have murder, rape, or things like that. Am I making any since?
Thank you for bringing that up V !
My personal belief ( and everyone has their own ) is that everything really is in perfect balance , there is no "good" or "evil" , there is balance , we are both good and evil because nature is both nurturing and crule . The only good and evil lies in the person . We make our our own decisions and we should not blame a single " being " for those decisions . Look to ur Gods and Goddesses for this , each has their own goodness and darker side , as do we all !
Wicca forever! What flavor are you, Cat of Curiosity? I'm Greco-Hindu.
When I was 18 and homeless a Satanic couple took me in out of the generosity of their hearts. Therefore I don't have a knee-jerk reaction to Satanism. I understand that some are simply atheist materialists (which can be said of many scientists).
Just as I know that the goddess I worship is a mythic figure, the same can be said of Satan. He was a product of Christian mythology. Let me try to explain this: The existence of evil is a major problem for all the world's major religions. It's an especially acute problem in the monotheistic religions, because in the Abrahamic Tradition God made everything, therefore he created Evil. This logical deduction was unacceptable so for Christians and Muslims it wasn't God who brought about evil, but the rebellious Lucifer. The only problem with this is that as an angel or archangel Lucifer had no free will - none of these semi-divine spirits do. Therefore, his rebellion was impossible.
Lucifer's name means 'The Light Bringer.' This is an odd name for a prince of darkness. Lo! One of the titles of the Sun, which was the official state religion as Christianity gained ground, was 'The Light Bringer." The cult of the Invincible Sun (Sol Invictus) was a serious threat to Christianity, so they demonized it.
Thank you so much for sharing on this subject , I must say it is not one I know much about !


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