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Buddhaism is one of the ancient religions (or whatsoever you say). Can anyone explain what is the secret of it that almost one third of our world population is following it till today?

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if anything secret there it was gone with buddha,if any one discover the secret he dont need to tell you,unfortunately if he told you you cant understand,thats why buddha never talk about that.simple there is nothing secret that why we are the follower today.thats why its popular.

buddhaism is not just a religion its a beliefs and practices,it is not about destiny it has a destination.



Dear Friend: Please learn that I am not a believer. However I like philosophy. Hence I want to see Buddhaism through a window of philosophy. So `if anything secret has gone with Buddha' this answer might satisfy you but I am not satisfied with this short answer.

One example for your kind judgement I want to put here, i.e. Muslims say we can not see Allah therefore if Allah give you any prove of its existence you will not be able to understand. And as we can not see Allah hence there must be a Allah. Would you obey the statement?

I want to search a logical reason against the survival of Buddhaism in the world. Your last line make some senses to me but its too little to be a philosophy for its long existence. There must be answers. Regards.


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