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fellas can you help me? is my partner cheating on me? I cried last night because i read some messages on his phone from someone saying that he love my partner with that f_cking I miss you sh!t thing.... huhuhu

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Is there any other evidence that you have that you're partner is not faithful to you? Until you have more evidence to support your claim, I wouldn't jump to conclusions. It could just be an ex that's trying to get back with your loved one, or something completely different that you may never know. Or if you are an aggressive soul, you could confront him with this evidence, and ask him what is going on. If you want to talk to me about it, if only just to have someone to listen to you, I am always here. I wish you well.
yes accidentally he sent some message to that person saying "my lorenz, how are you? I miss you... I love you so much" and that text message is still in my cellphone and he is changing... as if he is turning cold...
Are there any times where your partner has been discreet with his whereabouts with you? If so, then it is very possible that he is cheating on you. I think you should, and this is just my feelings on this, that you should directly ask him what the messages are all about, then decide what to do depending on what he says. I do believe that he is cheating on you though. Remember, if one changes dramatically for no apparent reason, then more than likely there is more to it than what meets the eye.
it is sad but I have to face this one... i listed the names of my previous relationships and i found out i can face this one because this is not the first one that my heart was broken
I'm sorry danino. I know how it feels to be hurt and heartbroken. But, at least you know this one thing, something that I found when I was heartbroken. That's real and true love. I found it, now I'm glad the relationship before didn't work out. So cheer up! You're friends and loved ones will stand by you when you're at your worst, to pick you up and dust you off when you need them the most.
but they dont accept who i am and never understand for the believe that it was immorality


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