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The Magi

A group for those who are interested in magic for its own sake, without the adornment of a religious or spiritual system.

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Comment by Sam Morgan on July 28, 2009 at 10:09pm
An epiphany!! Please answer my questions anyway. Thanks for the magick lesson.
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 28, 2009 at 9:54pm
I understand the Elements functions. I am not grasping Soul magick. What would it be used for and what is it's benefit. What would you gain with it? Can I manifest material goods or love? An end to my Karmic journey. Oh my, I will miss my sake and women. Love to all
Comment by Earth's Outcast on July 28, 2009 at 11:01am
Sam, those are all good questions, and I was hoping Christine could clarify, she does know a bit on what I'm talking about.

You see Soul magic is divided into two parts, Oblivion, and Reincarnation. Oblivion magic is basically what happens when the soul completes its' Reincarnation cycle. (It's the end of it's Karmic journey) Therefore Oblivion is the Afterlife of the soul. Life/Death magic implies that these six magics, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Darkness, and light, can bring both life, and death. For example, certain elements in the atmosphere(oxygen) allows us to live, but with out other elements(water vapour, ozone, etc) we would die.Light and Darkness is the Sun, Moon, Night, Day magicks. Let's say that there was no night (it's quite possible, say if we had several suns) Our Earth would burn and we'd all die of starvation or UV radiation. Or if we had no sun, we'd all die of freezing sub zero temperatures. The power I was talking about was that each of the 8 quotients produces magic that fuels the entirity of Chaos and The Multiverse in turn.
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 28, 2009 at 10:21am
To the best of my knoledge, I think of enities as divided into two groups. One group on this side of the veil and all others on the other side. The ones on this side some people call ghost and poltergrist. I have seen specials on TV saying that they are this or that. Only thing I know by living with them is they do as they please and they don't have feet. There are human and animal ghost. They are see in the day more than at night. Now poltergrist is another interesting thing. They will take your stuff and you will look all over the house for it. Then you will find it in the middle of your table a couple of days later. I live by myself so humans are not around. I do know that some are atttached to the location and others are attached to people. Thus places being haunted. Foot note - I have never been hurt or threaten by one. People are scared of them but I don't know why. I do have to say, I don't like being touched by one. Like a hole being put in the middle of your soul.
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 27, 2009 at 10:01pm
I am not smart enough to know if it is pre-destiny. I will never know in my life time if it is real or not. Things have happen in my life that did not happen by chances. I have changed my path to end up at places that I need to be at at the right moment. There were no random actions but determined events out of my control. I do believe in Karmic contracts and if you like that is a form of pre-destiny. I have signed binding contracts that effects other reincarnates that I will have. Now I have taken action and the effect is set. We are talking about the universal law of cause and effect. Can we brake this law?
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 27, 2009 at 9:31pm
Linear, I understand part of what you told us but I need to clarity or need more information on other. I understand Earth, Air, Fire and Water is stated in Wiccian order of elementals. I understand Soul is Wiccian spirt. I don't understand Light and Dark and Life/Death magick. Is this like the Christian good and evil? I don't understand how oblivion applies? Please define power to me that you are referring to.
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 27, 2009 at 9:10pm
I am going to ask everyone to take a minute and think about the million random things it took for 2 people just to meet in the middle of the day. The universe has to work overtime to align everything in 2 peoples lifes and everything that they came in contact with to make that meeting possible. It would take only 1 miss radom thing and the meeting would not take place. Some of the things that had to happen took place years before the meeting. How did this all get organized for the meeting to happen. Food for thought.
Comment by Earth's Outcast on July 27, 2009 at 11:48am
Also there is an 8th state known as Infinity that is Time/Space magic. This kind of magic interconnects with the other 7, completing the entire Chaos system.
Comment by Earth's Outcast on July 27, 2009 at 11:46am
Here's a few background checks, Chaos is made up of several quotients, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, and Soul. These 7 quotients are bound up in one another by a combination of Life/Death magic. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light and Darkness can all bring Life, and can also bring about death. Soul is more of Oblivion and Reincarnation. And of course, Chaos is made up of these magicks of Life/Death, Reincarnation/Oblivion states. These states grant power to there respective Magic "Schools" and these categories have separate, but wholesome, power.
Comment by Dark Arckana on July 27, 2009 at 9:11am
Sam, I know exactly what you're talking about. The veil does thin (a lot). Heck, I feel like I'm more of an Etheric Spirit than a Fleshy Human. Literally! lol Yeah, I love my familiars! We play, but we play in the "work" sense. Constant training, learning, and psychic warefare between me and my parents. We always win though! Yoo-shaa!!

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