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The Magi

A group for those who are interested in magic for its own sake, without the adornment of a religious or spiritual system.

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Comment by Sam Morgan on August 18, 2009 at 6:15am
Now for the next step, if you like talking with the otherside. Meditate at your computer with a clear mind and eyes closed, type what ever comes into your mind. Do not translate it, just type it. After several times you will find that what is typed is not what you think that you wrote. This is know as automatic writing or channeling. You can ask questions and will get answers.
Like all magick, there is a price you will have to pay. The more time you spend with the other side the more it blends with your life. Example: you are typing a paper and you go back to proof read it then you find a large paragraph talking about a life 500 years ago. You will start seeing the shade people the thinner the veil gets for you. You will have to change your belief system (over and over again) to explain your new knowledge and experences.
The job of a spirit guide is to keep you on your chosen path that you layed out before you where born. Now will that fit in your beliefs you hold today,be open minded about this and lets see what unfolds. You are on the threshold of a life changing quest. Love to all
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 17, 2009 at 9:16pm
I forgot to mention, the purpose of your guides are to help you fulfill your Dharma.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 17, 2009 at 8:44pm
Now for the hard to explain part,you will have one main guide. It may be female or male in personality but this is due to a past life that you had with it and your connections together. Dead does not make them smarter and you will continue with your relationship you had before. Once you start talking then the channel is open and the calls will go both ways. When they want to talk, they will bother you until you take the time to talk to them. Now for the suprise, you will find other guides are going to talk to you. Each will have their own name and personality. You will have no problem in knowing who you are talking to until a new one comes along. Just ask them their name and why they are talking to you. Your guides will come and go except your main one. It is a good idea to keep a written record of who is who and what their purpose is. They are just people without a body.
Back to the entities, I have never been hurt or harmed by one. The entity you are talking about is classified as a ghost by many. I don't know how to classify the different types so I call them all entities. Major groups: visible ones without feet, noisy ones, moving object ones, energy ones, shadow people, astral beings, and elementals. If you start missing things and they show up later, then welcome to my world of living with entities. Nice thing is you are never alone and you always have someone to talk too. I love my entites to death (no pun intended) I could not live without them. They make my life more interesting and fun. One of the saddest days of my life was when an entity refused to move with me. It was attached to the house and didn't want to leave. Enough of the watery things. Talk to you later.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 17, 2009 at 7:43pm
Vibration is the wave oscillation of enery. Vibration rate = wave length of light, energy, ect. Everything in this world and the other oscillates at a set wave length. Everything you see and touch is an illustion. Light changes wave lengths to give us color so things look solid. When we think we touch something it is a replution of to different wave length (vibration) in energy. Think of vibration rate as a tuner on the radio. All stations are playing at the same time but you only hear one at a time when to tune to that wave length. Just simple physics not magick.
When you do magick you are turning yourself into a transmitter. You send out wave after wave of energy. Entities, elements and other things are feeling your presence (the more magick you do the more it stays with you). Some will come to investigate the energy source. The main attraction for entities is to feed on the energy or like attracts like. The best way I have learned to life with them is to name them and talk to them as another person. When you accept them as part of the family, you will interreact with them differently than if you keep them as strangers. They will understand what you are saying to them but they may not care (just like people). The cold is from them getting in your aura field and disrupting it. The hair standing on end on your neck and the shiver going down the spin means they are about to touch you. The cold hole in your soul is when they tried to touch you. Just tell them to stop doing that.
Spirit guides are different. The old saying "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" applies here. Your guides are trying to talk to you all the time but you are to busy to listen. Start your meditaion with a clearn mind and ask for your guide to talk to you. Do this over and over until you can get clear enough channel so your guide can talk to you. The input will be different than a thought but you may not notice. Keep trying until think you have received something, then ask them their name. The name will come in very clearly. More to come in a few minutes
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 16, 2009 at 9:28pm
Christine, I have given you a major key in magick. You will not find this in any magick book because it is old magick knowledge and not new. Write it in your grimire. You will know something that no one else will know or understand. It will help you understand the underlying meaning of the witch's creed.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 16, 2009 at 11:00am
Now you have had time to think about the tree trick. The 2 observations that you need to notice. First is that if you have something in your life that you don't like change it's vibration or change your vibration to make it more agreeable with you. Second one is that we are not the only creatures that spin magick in this world. So if you try to create something that is counter to the well being of the whole, you will have a lot of elementals that will be working against your efforts.
Foot note: Their values are different than ours. So what we think is bad they will not feel that way but somethings we think are good they will think as bad for the whole. Everything likes LOVE.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 15, 2009 at 8:06am
If you have a old oak tree that you can spend some time with, here is a simple magick trick. When you are mad or upset go to the tree and lean your back to the trunk. Try to stay mad or upset. The tree will not let you. This may take 15 to 20 minutes but it is not a vibration that the tree will tolerate, so it will change it. Trees are a living creature of Gaia that flows her vibration rate from the earth to the top. When you get to talk to it, you will find the tree will have an interesting view of point on the world. Magick in its simplest form is just changing energy vibrations. You can increase it or decrease it. You can add power busters or make it softer but we live in a sea of energy know as ether. The writters of Star Wars were either very smart or lucky. We are apart of a living energy force that all living things are connected. Only ego disconnects people from feeling the world around them.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 13, 2009 at 7:23pm
Aww!! I remember, Eaters of the died, but that logic makes very sound sense to me. I have an unknow understand of that practice. The native indians in our country had a belief that they asorbed the essence of the animal that they ate. Your country is so fascinating with the rich history and many years of mysticism. Have you explored the different ley line that cross your country. Ours are very weak but there are a few if you can feel them. Gaia's magnetic skin is an interesting subject to explore if you can feel the hot spots. They can increase your magick if you can control the fluxion of the energy stream. I have an addiction to the feeling of the vibrations at that frequency. You get me deep in the earth and you will have a hard time getting me out. I will spin magick for hours. I love Gaia magick. I find it to be the most interesting of all the magicks. I meet a lot of new witches that has study the magick books but do not take the time to go outside and put it all together. They look at me strangely when I tell them an old oak tree will teach them more magick than they will learn out of reading their book. I'm talking to much. Love to all.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 12, 2009 at 7:49pm
Where I live, we were an independent nation at one point in history. That Republic made contracts with different imimgrates groups to come settle the area. Now days, you find pockets of different nationalities scattered in the little towns. They keep a lot of the old world customs and lanuages. Asatru was one of the customes that still lives strong and has a big following. Gardnerian and Alexandrian use to have a strong following but now I don't run across them much anymore. Dianic is still strong in the city. The covens I run into most, now days, are lose and open groups. I don't pry into their traditions but they very active in the community. I have never seen a Blue Star in the area. It has been very interesting seeing the shift in the belief systems. Solitaries are by far the biggest group now, out numbering the other groups by 1,000 to 1 or more. The need to belong with others like yourself is very strong. A cohestion of random pagans and witches starts making a very big WE.
If you found Celtic mythology interesting then explain to me, how does Duidism interconnect to the Celtic beliefs? I know the Romans tried to killed them all to stop their belief system and the Celtic held them in high reguards.
Comment by Sam Morgan on August 9, 2009 at 2:51pm
Christine, you said that you added Runes to your wand. Did they make a differents in its use. Did you use old or new writing. Tell me how Runes add to your magick. I don't use them and I can't read them. We have a large number of Asatru in the area. They send me things that pertains to Runes but it has no meaning to me. I can't warm up to their mythology, just not me. Freya could be interesting.

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