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The Magi

A group for those who are interested in magic for its own sake, without the adornment of a religious or spiritual system.

Members: 29
Latest Activity: Mar 15, 2016

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Comment by sharon on June 8, 2011 at 8:08am
I never saw a body as we know it - just a small shining globe like light that danced through my vision as I meditated.  I was sitting outside in the dark  meditating and we crossed paths.  There was no lights around but It was as clear as day.  Looked like it was having fun too as it flittered about.
Comment by Sam Morgan on May 31, 2011 at 8:40pm
I have never seen a night sprite. What are they like?
Comment by sharon on May 31, 2011 at 5:37am
I was privelated the other night.  I was meditating outside and got to see a night sprite as it crossed my inner vision.  Whether its a good or bad omen Im not sure but its the first time that Ive connected with one and it was worth the wait!
Comment by Sam Morgan on May 11, 2011 at 4:27pm

You are right, they are not friendly until they accept you. I can tell you how I have  attracted a few nymphs but I don't know if it will work for yours. I have never had the honor to attract a lady yet. I am not strong enough for that level of magick. I have failed in that endeavor more than once but fewer than a few hundred times. As you see, I am slow to learn my limitations in magick.

If you can feel her presents in an area, sit close to her but not to close. Use a clear mind meditation to settle yourself. Fill your aura with a much loving feelings as you can. When you vibrate as love then you will get her attention. She might not come over the first time but by the third time you should feel her caress. She will remember you and each time you go to see her it gets easier and easier to attract her. Be prepared for a warp in time when you interact with her. Time will get elongated to your reality, best way I can explain it. Sometimes it will be hard to get back in sink with our time.

Boosters if you need them. You can use a Heart Opening love potion on yourself. You might try a Love Meeting postion on yoruself. If all else fails you can bring out the big guns and use a True Expression or Woman Magick potion on yourself. Love and emotions are your gifts to her with these she will show you her world. Good luck and have fun with the nymphs (they are wonderful creatures). 

Comment by Sam Morgan on May 10, 2011 at 4:58pm

Water elementals (nymphs and ladies) do not wander far from their domains. I have found that you have to go to them. You will have to keep air and fire elements out of your dealing with them. Try giving yourself to them as an offering. They respond to deep emotions. Feel your way and not think your way. Good luck on getting you a water spirit.

Comment by Sam Morgan on May 5, 2011 at 10:09am
Tough question to answer. It all depends on what tradition you practice and your belief system. Magick and the magickal kindoms or realms are broken down by the different belief systems and magick you perform. In general, a kingdom or realm is a group of beings that you call on to help you with your magcik. You create bonds with different groups when you perform magick that benefits that group. The stronger the bond easier the magick is to manifest. Example: sky magick has different realms than earth magick kingdoms.
Comment by Kurokuma no shugosha on May 5, 2011 at 6:07am
oh ok so what are the other kingdoms?
Comment by Sam Morgan on May 4, 2011 at 8:43am

The stones amplifies the energy you are working with at the time. Each stone has different properties so you use different stone for different magick. The earth kingdom has faster manifestation than the other kingdoms. When they are over used the energy is not as focused or it is tainted with past magick. The stone has to be neutralized to it's proper properties. Example a stone on a wand is used to do circle magick to create a vortex in time and space. What you do with the vortex depends on your magickal intent.



Comment by Kurokuma no shugosha on May 4, 2011 at 6:46am
what are the stones used for
Comment by sharon on April 29, 2011 at 2:29am
The one is a clear quarts that the Beduins call desert diamonds but its shot through with a brown "flaw" and the other is milky white and flawless.  At the moment they are on my altar giving lovely positive energy to my room.  I guess that lying in the desert sand for eons theyr loaded with sun and elemental energies.  Ill use them for divination when it fees like the right time to do so and see what happens.  Im planing another trip to the desert to see the flowers in bloom so Ill see if I can find others that are small enough to make some jewelry with as I like the feel.

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