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Texas Pagans

A group for Texas pagans to get to know one another.

Members: 53
Latest Activity: Sep 20, 2021

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Bad Websites

Started by Cassandra. Last reply by Sarai Smith May 11, 2011. 3 Replies

pagan group

Started by Kathy Ashcraft Mar 17, 2011. 0 Replies

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Comment by Alex Raymond Harr on July 25, 2009 at 6:54am
I am unsure of my schedule as well as I will have two jobs here shortly
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 24, 2009 at 9:35pm
Alex, sorry to hear you missed the meet up meeting the other night. If you can make next month meeting, I'll get to meet you. I don't know what my work schedule is yet but I will be going to the south and the north meeting.
Comment by Alex Raymond Harr on July 22, 2009 at 8:50am
Yeah I joined the Trust of the Sacred moon coven, whom I have found out are some of the pagan pride day organizers :D
so I'll be involved up to my ears. Be sure to drop by and say hi!
you won't miss me I will most likely be wearing a long hat with a bell on it!
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 21, 2009 at 7:03pm
Welcome to Austin Alex, you have move to a town that has a big Pagan population. There is a North and South Pagan meetup group that you can join. There is a Wiccan meetup group. The groups meet monthly. There is an Unitarian Church you can join. Austin Pride Day in October at Zilker park. There you will see how many pagans we have in Austin. There are the groups at UT you can check into. Google "Austin Pagan". If you know what to look for, you will see signs of Pagans all over Austin. Austin is a great Pagan city to live in. Love to you and yours.
Comment by Alex Raymond Harr on July 21, 2009 at 11:27am
Hello fellow Texans :D myself and my Fiance' moved to austin a short while ago and we really want to get to know the local pagan community as we plan to hold a handfasting this year and want some people to invite :)
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 19, 2009 at 7:45am
Hi all, Just to let eveyone know Austin Pagan Pride Day is set for October 10. See you there.
Comment by Sam Morgan on July 10, 2009 at 2:56pm
Sorry all, I will not be able to make the merry meets north or south this month. Maybe next month.
Comment by W. T. Gates on July 10, 2009 at 9:49am
This is a copy of a comment left for Nikki after viewing her page. She seems to be a good person but one who is seeking someone to help her move on her path. Maybe this answered part of her blog and maybe not. I just thought it was food for thought, and decided to share it. I hope Nikki is not offended but I also know that this is a place for diverging opinions by persons seeking a better path than they have as yet found elsewhere. I know why I am here, and I would hope that everyone has reached that point.

After all we are who we are, sometimes we have to dig thru the muck left by those before us who did not understand us nor did they want to. After all they have more superstitious fears than we do, since we can face the world without some of the scientific bullshit that is merely a way of explaining majick without having to understand it. Science and religion can peacefully co-exist since eah has the same true nature of the other, just a belief factor difference.

I certainly can not provide you with mentor information, but I would offer that many people are like me. Unsatisified with the intolerance of the 'major' religions and seeking to find a path that satisfies your souls needs and desires. It is not all about pretending to have a life but it is about having a life that you an be satisified with. Reach for the higher expectations and you may find them in yourself, but perhaps others do not have the great a grasp.

I hope you find what you are looking for. My life with the wonderful woman I have been with for 31 years has many blessings. She discovered that she is a solitary practioner several years ago and realized that without knowing it she had been one all her life.

She has given me the inspiration to study in this area and find that thre is a solace that only from inside can be provided. No trappings just a way to reach peace and understanding regardless of what others say especially the alleged major christians.

A good example is that I was recently at a local grocery store, one of the chains in Texas and found my self listening with growing disgust at the antics of the members of a local church group bullying the manager into giving them brisket not sold from the 4th. If they were going to do something useful with it such as feed the local hungry I would not have become so disgusted. But I know members of the this 'church' and a bbq is planned for the church and its members, not those in need.

I have yet to hear a pagan or wiccan or other act insuch a manner, although it would not surprize me that others might have stories that are opposite.

After all we are human and some of our baser 'instincts' are survival based mixed with the greed that has infected many of our societies [sp] by virtue of our more material needs.

Too much what's in it for me and not enough think beyond yourself.

I hope you find and receive at the blessings that you need and don't forget to share these with others. They don't have to be poor or homeless sometimes just a hug at the right time is a sharing that reaches beyond words.
Comment by Nikki on July 10, 2009 at 8:21am
Merry met, merry part, and merry met again.
Peaceful greetings from the Solitary Fae.
Comment by Cassandra on December 31, 2008 at 8:32am


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