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Do you believe that children can see or sense things that others cant?? my son is now three years old, but he has had nightmares for since he was a baby. He wakes up, points to the ceiling sometimes and screams. He can also tell when people are sick or upset when it is not apparent. Since he has been able to talk he will tell me about the 'sad people'. the creepiest time that this happened was we ( my son and i) were in the er, waiting to see the doctor. my son points to the empty hall and tells me there is a sad little girl. that she is crying. the hallway is empty and there was no noise he could have been referring to. he looks at me with a pained face and asks me to help her.

Have any of you had any expriences with children doing odd things (seeing things, saying things, past life memories)? what do you think about the possiblity. is it overactive imagination?

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I believe that it is true that children can see and sense things. I remember my cousin's baby, Dominic, when he was almost two he would be lying on the bed and no one was sitting next to him. He would look up and smile and laugh and was put up his hand (as if trying to touch something or someone) We believed that it might have been my grandmother.

And I reall do not believe children would make things like that up. Why would they? :0) So again, yes I do believe that.
I had terrible nightmares about flies as a child. I used to be quite terrified of flies. By the age of six I realized that I had to short-circuit this fear. There are simply too many flies in the world to go around being phobic of the nasty little blighters. I also used to have a lot of "flying" dreams, which I now know to be astral projection. And I used to see animal ghosts, until the ghost of my kitten that got run over by a car came to visit me and frightened me. Then something in my mind just would never allow me to see them again.

My son used to see light and dark shapes and he also had vivid nightmares as a child. He doesn't remember the "light and dark people" now. These experiences happened when he was between four and seven. He's now eighteen. I always encouraged him to discuss his experiences. It seems to me that we lose some of our natural psychic abilities as we grow up if we don't exercise them.
I saw a dark spirit as a child. My mother was being prayed over by a minister to help a physical ailment when it flew out of her.
i had a lot of flying dreams, too as a kid, and my mom said i used to go to a pond and play with the fairies. i actually used to draw pictures of my fairy friends. i remember the dreams (vividly) but not the fairies( but i still have the pictures :) ). I have had lots of experiences when i would dream of something and it would come true. like i would dream i was talking to a friend i haven't talked to in forever and i would wake up with the phone ringing and it would be her. once i had a bad experience and i freaked out. i didn't have precognitive dreams again until i started with the craft. Since my son has night terrors all the time, does anyone think i should 'ask' the spirits to leave him alone for now, or should i just try to explain to him that they wont hurt him?
I truly believe that children see and hear things that we sometimes can't . My husband and I get a lot of ghost activity in and around our house. I don't know if it's because of the earth it's built on or what but our house is a beacon for lost souls.( I guess that's how i ended up here...lol) just kidding. any ways. we had a family friend pass away. After her death a lot of things were revieled about her. for instance... she was stalking this really close friend of my in-laws. Well after death she didn't want to let go of her. She was a poltergiest in this person's own home. with 4 kids in the house. so we did several cleansings, took photos, evp's,all that just make sure of who or what we were dealing with.Turns out that it wasn't just her that came out of the portal...sorry i forgot to mention the portal. it was in our back yard. We were told that if we owned any thing that used to be hers or had something she gave us , we needed to do acleansing of our house.... So my son's in his bedroom playing, we're in the living room cleansing, and suddenly connor cries out mommy some one's in my bathroom. I run in htere and there she was. We could feel her and see her, so either my whole family is doin lsd, or we all saw a ghost, her ghost. So now when he tells me he saw something, I truly believe him.
once i took my son to a old west town. my son was talking to 'jesse' (someone we couldnt see or hear) all day. we didn't discurage this, just let it happen. we took lots of photos and in some of them there is a ball of light. In every pictues that the light is in, he is right beside him. we see this as proof that he was talking to someone.
I completely believe this is a possibility or rather a reality. When my oldest son was about 2 years he would lie in his bed at night and carry on conversations, laugh, and play. I asked him one day who he talks to at night and he said "it's my friends that come to play with me in my room when I try to go to sleep". His toys also used to come on by themselves without anyone around. When my younger son was 3, he came into my bedroom one night around 2am he said "somebody said my name and when I looked my covers moved and no one was there" and when he was a baby around 5 months, I have video of him in his walker following something he saw on the ceiling for a solid 10 mins and he would coo and smile. There was absolutely nothing there that I could see. Children are pure and their minds are pure and ungarbled without societal misconceptions concerning spirits and the paranormal...that's why they see things that adults do not and are not likely to make up stories about it especially at such young ages.
I believed that children can see spirits and other things for a long time and when I had a child of my own it just confirmed what I thought all along.My daughter has spoke with people my wife and I could not see or feel but I believe she was speaking with my grandmother (who passed 10 years before my daughter was born. So yes I am a firm believer in this
oh yes I always saw things as a child,thing is I remember now as a adult, most people forget.you need to get them banished and your home cleansed ~~NOW ~~ for your childs sake,it doesn't sound friendly or harmless.Find some one or do it your self but do it.Blessed Be
Greetings and Blessings ! Jade
Yes I do believe that children are mor perceptive to these things beacuse they have not yet been brainwashed to believe there are no such things and this cant be more than an imagineation . However most people who DO see , feel , comune with spirit have been doing so for their awarful life. I sense in many ways of spirit if you will call it that. I can give you info and people (profestionals) who can determin if he/she is a medium or physic to some point. If this is true of he/she seeing and or experanceing these things this is what I would comcider a GIFT! and needs to be nurturied by you with he/she understanding that you are to protect them from harm and that is another disscution anyhow incourage it IF it is actual and POSITIVE if it be anything negitive or of a harming nature then Banish this thing(s).
Many Many Blessings to you and yours! KalmWolf
My oldest son told me when he was about ten years old that my grandma, who had passed away a year before, had visited him during the night, sat on his bed and held his hand and talked to him. Then she got up and went to my daughter's room to see her. He still remembers this and he's now twentyfive.

I am 13, and it does seem as if us younger people have a better connection, almost.

I assume it is because of our innocence, and the fact that we don't know exactly what's real and what's not.

That our minds are open to anything, and spirits take advantage of that. I use to (and still do) see things, and people never believe be, because they say I have an over-active imagination. It's not true though-younger people (and animals) do have a better connection, almost.


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