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parallel universe


parallel universe

parallel universe is Cool

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Latest Activity: Nov 27, 2017


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The Parallels

Started by RavenHeart~ Oct 2, 2016. 0 Replies

String theory Anyone?

Started by Becky. Last reply by Patricia Bryant Resnick May 9, 2011. 1 Reply

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Comment by Henk Wendels on February 29, 2012 at 8:32pm

Quantum Jumping is a visualization process where you use your mind to ‘jump’ into parallel dimensions, and gain creativity, knowledge, wisdom, skills and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

This happens through a phenomenon known as “thought transference.” You see, although the solidity of our world seems indisputable, Quantum Theory suggests that our physical reality is nothing but a very elaborate mirage. A super-hologram of information and energy. A Matrix.

According to this theory, the chair you’re sitting on, your computer, your house, your car, everything that exists around you, could be an illusion.

So then how do we see, touch, feel, and smell the things that surround us if none of it really exists?

The answer is that all physical matter is the result of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. A frequency that if you alter, change or amplify in any way, you change your physical and current reality.

We all know from physics class that if you increase the vibrational frequency of water particles through heat energy, you create steam and if you slow them down by removing heat energy, you create ice. And just like heat, our thoughts too are energy.

Comment by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on May 23, 2011 at 11:48am
I agree with Patricia 100% I see the multiverse as a collection of bubbles. Each with it's own set of laws and time. Perhaps it would be possible to move from one "bubble" to another but when you get back to yours a lot more time may of passed than you realize, you just may not recognize your own bubble when you return to it.
Comment by Patricia Bryant Resnick on May 9, 2011 at 5:28pm
There's a man named Burt Goldman, at www.theamericanmonk.com who calls this "quantum jumping" and teaches it. Of course, he charges for the information, but I like him anyway because he also gives out a lot of free info. Some call him a scam, but the truth is that we all have to make a living, and he really does give a lot of freebies.
Comment by Patricia Bryant Resnick on May 9, 2011 at 9:43am
I see the universe as a sink fill of soap bubbles, each its own world. We can move between them, or glimpse visions of other realms that are available to us. I believe that that is what good psychics do; they see the other worlds that are available to their clients and let them know how to make those other worlds available.

I'm a total addict of quantum pjhysics and cosmology. They mesh very nicely with my spiritual path.
Comment by Becky on April 12, 2010 at 12:14pm
A good book for people trying to understand spacetime. Spacetime and Geometry by Sean Carroll Love it. He also has abook called From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time Check 'em out if you can I suggest going to the library for the first one cause it is worth about $120. Ouch.
Comment by Becky on April 4, 2010 at 9:12am
The Hadron Collider Is active and working. No Hadrons yet but "cross" ur fingers!
Comment by nurul azam on May 4, 2009 at 1:37pm
about hindu myth.the shanshi[its a term of chracter like priest]they meditate into yhe jungle or on the mountain and they can contac their soul so they came to be very powerfull and wise even they can visit haven and hell.exctually what they where they gone.maybe its paralle world and their paralle soule.i dont know but something interesting and linked with the past with the myth.

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