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Pagan Writers

A place for Pagans to discuss writing ideas and book story lines.

Members: 34
Latest Activity: Nov 26, 2017


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Comment by Cain Berlinger on December 11, 2016 at 12:28am

Hi every one. I have been a published writer for many years now. Everything from gay romances to fitness books and meditation and other genres. Looking to kinda see what a writers room is as I have never joined one and writing poetry is fairly new to me.

Comment by Candice Darden (Cecilia Rose) on October 25, 2012 at 10:05pm

hey everyone i am a new member to this group and i wanted to say hi. I have a love for writing and later i will tell you what my newest storyline is about but right now it bedtime.

Comment by TJ Burns on February 16, 2012 at 7:39pm

Hi, just joining up and seeing what the writers are creating.

Comment by Rinan Crowley on January 12, 2011 at 1:49pm

Mainul, you say things anonomously which you wouldn't ever say eye to eye. I am sorry for you. Keep going like you will.

Comment by Rinan Crowley on January 12, 2011 at 1:29pm
Just plain dumb. I won't put anything down now. Just stupid Mainul. Bye for good.
Comment by Rinan Crowley on January 12, 2011 at 12:48pm
Comment by mainul on January 12, 2011 at 12:44pm
Comment by mainul on January 12, 2011 at 12:44pm



Comment by Rinan Crowley on November 24, 2010 at 11:34pm
I've been writing this book for about a year, I lived in central Europe and North Africa while I was in High School, yet I was born & raised in CA, and went to CSU Chico to become a Chemist, There are a lot of characters I've met in my life, and with some embelishment, I hope to have the 225 page book written & edited just for me, No publishing,

The story is about a group of people who, due the lives they've been through, all ind up in the same psychiactric hospital, where they devise a scheem to blow up the Iranian Consolate in SF, Don't worry, They fail misserably, yet something comes of their failure, Both in their relationships and the polatics between the US and Iran, The characters come from all over the world whose country;s I lived in, Heathenry?? Yes, the members are Heathens, I should finish it in a few years I hope, Like I said,though, It's just for me because I enjoy writing,
Comment by Dewy Denton on August 10, 2010 at 2:19am
For the People That Hold Plastic Flowers...
I can look through my window
I can see yellow plastic flowers
Reminding me of a summer that refuses to come
A love that will not die
The saddest kind
I can look through my window without being seen
I can't see anything anymore through want of trying
A damp cat
an old memory
A lost emotion inside an empty glass
Ever had the feeling you've lived here before?
A thousand rainy seasons
Plastic flowers that just wont die
To just sit in their ugliness forever
Time to close the curtains
And wait for another year

Members (32)


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