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Pagan Poetry

A place to display, read and comment on Pagan themed poetry.

Members: 134
Latest Activity: May 28, 2016

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Started by RavenHeart~. Last reply by RavenHeart~ May 28, 2016. 1 Reply


Started by RavenHeart~ Nov 17, 2015. 0 Replies


Started by RavenHeart~ Nov 14, 2015. 0 Replies

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Comment by Cameron S. on June 26, 2009 at 11:51am
Wow we have been busy here I missed you all lol and all thye poems I have read since I've been gone are all amazing.
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 25, 2009 at 5:11pm
In the darkness no one can see the torn feelings I hide.

The cuting, the pain, the burning,the joy how it comferts me deeply more than you know.

Like salt in a wond you know it will help,but the pain must be indured before the healing can start.

Than the cycle starts over again, some times with new people searching for the end.

Or need a conferting voice to hear our deepest of desires to make us belive in our selfs.

No matter the reason, no matter the choice it’s the guides that feel when all seems lost.

But shead not a tear for those that are chossen for its an honor and a pleasure to serve those who have frozen.

Its our lot in life and duty like no other.

We guid in the night and the light of the day, when rain washes over are bodies, and the winter freezes our souls.

Just look for a light in the darkest of woods,were no one travles for fear of the wolfs, but if you look closely you will begine to see, that deep in these woods is a safe place to be.

Allow your guid to lead you though the path, and thank them when you journy has taken you back. Think often of them for they do of you. There here for your safty and comfert to.

Don’t be like the scorpian that stung those that have helped. But a kind word and a private prayer of thanks meens more to them than a pat on the back.
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 24, 2009 at 4:22pm
wow, that was very deep Velen I felt it deep in my soul
Comment by Desfrata on June 23, 2009 at 3:32pm
Sorry, Im not on much anymore. I've been buzy with the family. Doing all the fun stuff I can while I have the Chance to enjoy life. So I hope all of you are well!

Sincerly Desfrata
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 23, 2009 at 2:10pm
I hate my pic. I need to get a better one (not that it will help...lol)
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 23, 2009 at 11:47am
Thank you both very much you are to kind
Comment by Carabella on June 22, 2009 at 6:42pm
wow RP, i really love that one. deeper than any of the ones before. i love your poetry.
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 22, 2009 at 4:31pm
I look out across the desert to see my soul reflected in the sand
The desert bushes hide my deepest desires like the water that they store
If anyone should get to close then who I am in side will die
Only a few have ventured so close as to see me for whom and what I really am
Those are the ones that feel me even though the distance may be far
To touch another’s soul or know how they feel is far more rewarding than a touch upon the flesh
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 22, 2009 at 11:57am
Very interesting you are very good at writing poetry
Comment by DIRTY BISHOP on June 18, 2009 at 8:58am
very nice. it made me want to experiance what you feel

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