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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

As summer begins to wain and autom comes to fallow

A new year begins for us both sacred and hallow


We thank the Earth for her mighty gifts

We dance with mirth as the season shifts


Now is the time of the Red Mans reign

With candles alight we summon his name


Our alters are set the bonfires burn

We cast our chants and danceing in turn


Samhain comes it seems all so soon

With joy in heart we call down the moon


Not only we who enjoy this night

Halloween comes as a specticaled sight


Goules and ghostly coustumes the children where

We can walk freely without the akward stair


So enjoy your Samhain as it comes again

And blessed be to all my friends

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Samhain Tryst

Encircled by the standing stones
We dance around the fyre of bones
While over head the womb of night
Consumes both smoke and fyrelight
The goddess fills our hearts with love
Her panoply of stars above
Her earthly arms below our feet
Embrace her daughters as we meet
To consecrate the summer's end
Where boundaries begin to blend
Immortal souls in death and life
Will meet in peace and not in strife
And join us as our holy union
Symbolizes their communion
While we join the dance of death
With fevered brow and labored breath
 And in our trance we twirl and sway
With quiet voices do we pray
To Gaia, Mother goddess good
Who brought us to this northern wood
Upon this eve of winter's morn
To greet again the year reborn
We dance this night our Samhain tryst
At summer's end in autumn mist.

(c) 2010  Bethany Frasier

Eyes a pure sapphire, and full lips stained red

The Goddess of the Night, removes all dread.

Long,soft hair, blacker then the night

A motherly face, that removes all fright.

Warm, nimble fingers, ending in perfect black nails

In the Goddess's eyes, her children cannot fail.

Always donned in black, she finds comfort in the dark

Upon her pale, glowing face, rests her Holy mark

A swirling caress, of circles and runes

A blessing placed upon her, A gift from the moon.

She sweeps by soundlessly, not a care in her mind

The 5 elements, follow in her wake, never far behind

Casting a circle, Music begins to play

She brings the elements to her, in her own special way.

First is Air, Then Fire, Water Earth

Then spirit is last, because it's closest to her.

As she closes the circle, Day begins to break

and the elements stay close, still lying in her wake.

For now, she is done, her work here is finished.

The morning has begun, the veil is diminished.

As she walks away, she whispers "Until the next Samhain,

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!"


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