Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

The fish squished

like a blindfish

bumping into a

dogfish with a


The satellite dish

sawfish as if

it were a knish

and began to


The starfish

squished in

the chafing dish

whilst the candles

blew with a whish

This caused

double vision

in a field of vision

resulting in imprecision...

television with tunnelvision__

This cataclysm

caused criticism

of communism,

first globalism

then of gnosticism

The swordfish squished

while John Bullish

talked about pilot fish

warning not to overfish

like gefilte fish

This fission

also causing derision

of Parisian revision

a split-decision

of subdivision

John Bullism

became hypnotic

from jingoism

thanking everyone

for his heroism

While the cock began to crow!


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