Sat assembled at a dinner of sorts
Their quintessence only matched
By the aristocracy of their class
Ringing the assemblage to order
With a spoon banging on a crystal
Sudden silence filled with glares
Of, how dare you summon this........
Ickie, wickie, stickie......'SILENCE!
Of all things!' Women flexed their nails_
Men rubbed their fresh shaved faces,
'What on earth do you want Man!
Spit it
Whatever you are!'
The waiter hurriedly began their Service
While the Speaker droned on
The guests paused their soup spoons in midair
And then quickly dug into their soup
They sipped and slurped sometimes
Louder than that god-awful Speaker
Whom little attention was paid to, if at all
The place was bustling with waiters
Delivering course after course
Still the Speaker had NOT shut up!
Till finally__dessert and coffee!
Yippee! They promptly pulled out
Their checkbooks & hurriedly scribbled
While chomping on spoons and such
Plunking their slips of paper on
A silver tray then joyfully filed out!
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