Good Evening Ladies & Bitches...
I steps in front of the mike, hear me vent
This night really sucks and aint worth 2 bucks
If my back were any good I'd rather fuck
I've outlived the Age of Girdles...
I no longer run and don't jump hurdles
Unless a hunk winks and buys me a drink
I'm terribly parched you know_________
If my voice went any lower it'd be overweight
Like the rest of me_don't you know___
I'll just hang around and pretend I'm petite'
If you see me break a sweat please,
Don't make yourselves upset!
My deodorant cost me a fortune
Said it was guaranteed in the South of France
However, I'll get there when I'm able...
But for now, I'll pray I don't fall down
On my way to a table.....
Somebody please, pass the Bread Basket around,
I need some donations so I don't get thrown outta Town!
You can add it as an expense for paying a clown
If you throw in enough, I like Sable...
So now I bid you Adieu', and I'll be searching
The Internet for my rave reviews!
Good Night Everyone!
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