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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

My cat's name is Piscin (PISH-keen). He is all black with yellow eyes. His name means kitten in Gaelic. I know it's silly but, it wasn't supposed to be his name! I just was calling him that until his real name came to me... it never did, and Piscin just stuck! He's about 5 months old, and I've had him since he was about 2 weeks too young to leave his mother. However his mother wasn't feeding him and he was attempting to eat dog food designed for great dane size dogs.. breaking and losing teeth in the process. Now he is a rambunctious, loving lap-cat. He loves to cuddle and play, as well as stick his nose in my magickal workings. He follows me around the house and to the park when I go.

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i understand my cat is a black tabby with green-yellow eye's, and she was on the streets when i got her and now no matter where i go she has to go too, and just recently i learned she has apt for magical workings, which is great for me since my other familiar died he was an orange tabby called hefclif, but now my magic studies and working's will be better

my cat is a three year-old, orange tabby which I really secretly believe is a Manecoon in hiding. I just got him for my birthday about a month ago, but he has already found a way into my heart and has also managed to dig his claws in my boyfriends dresser. We both love him and he is our little third wheel. His big green eyes scream every aspect of his personality. I haven't introduced him to my magical life yet, but I am hoping when I do he will fully be part of it. He has the right energy I feel.


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