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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Ok, so I know I have talked about this before. But it keeps happening and I have to reask the question. Does this happen for anyone else? Can you use music as adivination tool? For example, my aunt knows that I read music as other people read tarot, so she asked me to do a "reading" for her. Wouldn't tell me the subject or anything. I put my ipod on shuffle and gave her the first three songs I heard. They were "Shelter Me" by Cinderella . "Deliverance" by Sick Puppies and "egde of 17" by stevie nicks. Turns out her question was "should I sell my house and move to be closer to my family". Well the answer was pretty obvious to me. Never fails to amaze me that this method is so incredibly accurate. Anyone else ever tried it or would like to experiment?

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Hmm sounds interesting! I'll give it a try


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