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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Heya Everyone! I'm asking for your wisdom if you would be so kind to share it!

This last new moon was intense. It spoke volumes, more so than the last dozen moons and it's left me rather numb. The new moon seems like its riding out on powerful waves, and i've noticed a lot of angst in people around me, including myself. Now, I understand that the holiday rush makes everyone edgy, and that the shadows block the light, bringing darkness along with all its chaos...but this is a different kind of energy that's floating in the air. I'm no doomsayer by any means, my path is to find the good in everything! (I can't help it, I'm a natural born Pollyanna and it can drive people to distraction, especially when you're a bartender and people want you to comiserate!) So I'm not being dramatic or depressed...there is just a strange energy that I can't define.

Any ideas? The sun and pluto is in capricorn and the moon is going into sagitarius...does that help anyone? I'm at a loss.

Blessed Be! Hugs to you all!!

xxx Melly

(p.s., Pretty please be brave enough to share intuition as well! My heart welcomes it!! Hugs again)

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Same here. I am getting whiplash from my mood swings! I try to be aware of how I am feeling at a given moment so I don't snap at anyone, but all I want to do is stay home and be left alone. I think between the economy, the lunar cycle and the typical holiday stress, I'm a bit drained.
Ok... I have no intuition to share on the subject, but i could use some distraction from some one of your specific talent. I'm forced to go to my in laws today and ruin my whole shristmas experience with my son and husband, but that's not the really bad thing. My husband's says she's gonna beat my ass if i don't show up. and she hopes we never have kids. She has ruined my whole holiday. I scared to go up there and still keep the peace. I can't keep the peace with her cussing my out and calling me every name in the book. Please help! Anything is fine. Blessed be.
Dearest Layla,

Blessed Be, Little Sister! My heart goes out to you as you experience the hurting hearts of your mate's family. Yes, I did say 'hurting,' because any time you encounter bitterness you encounter something non-personal to yourself. Bitterness is derived from hurt, and its an ugly seed that produces ugly, choked, thorny growth. Sadly, little Moon Child, your Cancerian heart will wound easily by not being able to soothe someone's wounds. Here's some advice for you.

You are tied to the emotional cycle more than most. Cancer is in the fourth house, the house of the Mother...nurturing, loyal, and easily holding your feelings to yourself because you are blessed to experience so many of them. During this holiday, try your best not to let the ugly growth of bitterness tear away at your sensitive heart, little Moon Fairy. Be strong and speak with kindness, think with kindness, and act with kindness. This doesn't mean let anyone walk over you! Not by any means!

Love isn't all about wearing only your vulnerability! Love is an armor that doesn't keep people from sensing your weakness...it's an invisible armor that allows visibility to your weakness, but commands respect because its strong enough to set boundaries. It speaks loudly, "You cannot harm me, because I know your bitterness doesn't really have anything to do with me." Or, "You cannot harm me, because I feel sorry for the fact that your life is choked by the bitterness you allow to dictate your heart." You are NOT responsible for thier bitterness, or thier actions towards you. You can only be in command of yourself.

Remember this creed: Through our own hurt we CANNOT know what has made another person the way they are. All we have is our own life experience, and that is not a proper lense in which to judge by. You DO NOT understand what has made up the bitterness that rules your mate's family, and the only way you ever will is by seeking understanding through kindness...and that will take you years. Let that free you! You are not responsible for making them happy! You are not responsible for how they treat you, so long as you are treating them with kindness. Kindness is a worthy journey. And I imagine you, as a beautiful water sign, have already begun that path a long time ago.

Be strong, Little Sister. We have a responsibility not to allow anyone or anything in nature to come to our harm by our hands or minds. We will only acheive contentment and peace of heart through great suffering and a long life of experience. You know the journey is not easy, but it isn't a constant battle. You will meet many of us along the way to hold your hand for a while with understanding.

You're doing well by asking for wisdom! Keep asking, and it will find you! It is the blessing of fate x

Go to Borders and buy a book to fill your mind. Take wintery walks, laugh, and dance beneath the sky with your Mate. Be free...because ultimately you are! Love and be loved x

Blessed Be, Moon Fairy x

Yes, it seems to be that way for so many right now. I did a little digging about the moon and here's what I found.

The moon AND sun is in Capricorn...and Pluto and Mars are in the mix. That means that fate is demanding trivial things in our lives need purging so that our paths are more clear, focused, and thinking uncluttered. Unfortunately, if we don't make the steps to do so, fate will do so for us...in ways that we either didn't expect, or were hoping wouldn't happen. If we do prioritize and de-clutter, then we will be rewarded. Fate has its own way!

That means a LOT of drained people this holiday season! Our minds are cluttered...and the universe is demanding a spring cleaning in winter! Wah!

Hugs to you, and kudos for being aware of your feelings! It takes so much effort to keep one's self in check when emotions are erratic. I let the Eff bomb slip in front of my 6 year old a few days ago when someone cut me off on the road. Let me tell you, it takes a lot for that to slip in front of my daughter...and I've done it six times so far this week! I made a list of things I need clarity about, and meditation has been on the cards. Gosh that's been very difficult. Looking at one's self is challenging...

Blessed Be, My Friend x
Thank you for the great advice. I did just that... I went to his family's house and was nice to everybody. I found out a few things along the way. The sister that cussed me out is getting divorced and having several problems in her life. His Mom and Dad are having problems too. So their pain is coming out on me, cause i'm the type to let it. You were absolutely right. Thank you so much. Blessed be friends.
Thank you so much for the medal. I tried really hard to get the whole family through it without being fased by their problems. It all went great. Thank you with all my heart. Blessed be.


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