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What do you think he/she is?

And what do you call him/her?

As I said I say he's Chaos.

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God is the Force. In the words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Force "...surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the [universe] together." Of course God has many different aspects, for each consciousness is a world unto itself and also a part of the greater whole which is the Force (or "God" as the case may be). That we humans are biologically divided into males and females explains why we see such duality in divinity, particularly in pagan beliefs. Because we seek companionship, each world culture eventually develops its own broad view of God which is turn recorded and stored in racial memory. Is this to say that God is merely a manifestation of our collective imaginations? Partially. I believe that only through the minds eye can we truly see and connect with God, which is why I study mythology in all its incarnations.
i dont believe the creator is neither kind nor cruel, though i am leaning more towards the goddess,i have to learn more before i can settle on what i truly believe
The One or God, in being the first generator principle can contain all possibilities and forms-aspects, like: male female, good and bad, chaotic and non cahotic and so on ...

Consequently we cannot define the One with a distinct connotation!
you stated, "As I said I say he's Chaos."

Everything we have in our existence AS WE KNOW IT has to HAVE A BALANCE..We work with chaotic energies..if the LORD is Chaotic Energies negative..then the GODDESS is Chaotic Energies positive..the balance. (vice-versa) (from the implication of your comment..you are swimming against Certain Law if you must have ONE (sex implication to Chaos) .. (I am sure you use a Bounce Sheet in a dryer to keep the positive energies at bay, right?!) okay..you have just proved that this was a form of Certainty..(Certain Law) That is why many things in life are considered hard or difficult to some who do not KNOW this..you are now aware of Certain Law; and Certain Way..or Chaotic Functioning..

Chaotic Energy is freaking awesome! it is the ALL in ALL. THE positive and negative in ALL. THE BALANCE.
I am a Chaos Mage, and I do practice it, Even though I go from paradigms like Christianity, Islam, Judism, Buddhism, Paganism and Atheism, I will still use what I learn from each paradigm in my spell work, but look at them with different eyes and different perspectives. Even though I said Chaos in a male sense, IT can be anything, male, female, or both, or nothing at all. Depends on how you look at Chaos on how you Difine it.


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