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Has anyone ever been startled out of sleep about a second after you went to sleep?
I've been having this happen to me lately. For example I was trying to sleep the other night and just as I dropped off something behind my eyelids jumped out and basicly said boo! No real definite sape but it seemed to be jumping up and down and waving it's arms. I woke up shaking wih laughter and I remembered that I had something important to do before I went to sleep.

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The only time it's happened to me that I can recall is when a ghost was talking with me.  I remember seeing the digital clock next to me and the next thing I knew I was springing up saying, "Where'd you go?"  I looked again and only fifteen minutes had passed since I last saw the clock.


My roommate was in the living room and heard me so he figured I was talking to him and he just said, "what?"


I got up and realized that there was an elderly lady sitting on the corner of my bed talking to me while I drifted off.  I could feel that she was a strong presence and that it was probably her house.  I asked the landlord about how they had come across the house and they said it was their parents'.  That their father had passed before their mom and that she ended up in a nursing home.  After that the spirit was very motherly to me.  If I'd forgotten to make my bed in the morning she would tap me on the shoulder as I'm walking out the door as to tell me and I'd just be compelled to go and make the bed before I could leave.  I also actually caught a glimpse of her walking past my bedroom door one morning as I was getting ready.  She was an older thin lady in a night gown.  I asked the landlord if about her again and somehow it came out that she had actually lost both of her lower legs to diabetes.


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