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Since my deity is a daughter of Erebus and Nyx (Nemesis) I thought I'd post something that occurred on Nov. 3.

I have successfully invoked several spirits over the past year.
One of the things I have learned is it take about 12-14 hours to summon a spirit.

I wanted to invoke my deity (Nemesis - I never have before) with the wish of helping her to bring more justice to the world -- first saying hello to my parents, who are passed, as Nemesis curses those that do not respect their parents.

I set my altar up in the morning and lit two candles with pictures of her upon the altar... Pics I gathered from the Internet of statuary and paintings and pottery.

When moonlight came, I cast a circle, blessing it three times.... and then when I made my offering (6 ancient roman coins) the candles to the God and Goddess started to flicker out to almost nothing... they've been burning for 15 hours, and all was going well right up to the *very* moment I placed the offering on the altar....I read that in Roman times the cult of Nemesis offered money and jewelry, so I thought it was a good offering. I swore I would sell the coins and donate the money to charity and the candles started burning again.

All continued and all went well (except my dog went into the circle), but I was just wondering what everyone thinks might have happened... there was no wind... it was just so weird it happened at the moment I set the offering down.

The candles were anointed with uncrossing oil.

Thanks for any info


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Energy can manifest itself in the Physical plain so it might very well be your Goddess.


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