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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I was always having difficulty on my religion choosing because I was raised in a Christian family and I always felt that it wasn't right for me. But I had switched to Wicca before and one night, before I completely fell asleep, I was at this beautiful garden. (I don't know if I was astral traveling for at the time I was trying. Not that night though.) There was a lot of fruit trees and standing there in front of my was Nyx. She had said "You are my daughter and always will be. Do you accept to be under my wings so I may guide you?" and I had agreed. She had a really beautiful smile on her face and put a moon on my forehead to indicate that I was under her guide now.

After that night, I never got any calling from Nyx again. I felt that I betrayed her because I was forced back to Christianity for a while. Now I am back to Wicca and I hope she can forgive me for leaving her like that. I can't get any ritual items, herbs, or candles or else my parents will suspect on what I'm doing. I hope this doesn't make me crazy but this is what really happened. 

If anyone can help me with my connection with Nyx again, I would really appreciate it. I want to do a ritual but I'm a beginner and still learning. Thank you for reading. ^_^

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if you call to Nyx she will come. she loves all of Her children so even if you can't do a ritual she will still listen to you, if you feel you want to connect with Her open a channel to Her by sending loving energy to Her. when i do this i normally feel like i'm being hugged, but of course it's different for everyone. even though it is nice to use candles and incense and the normal stuff for a ritual it is not nessecery a simple energy circle is just fine. or if your good at visulizing you can do it this way just see it all in your head, the room, the candles, and anything else you want to use it's a more advanced form of magick but it can have very powerful results. i hope this helps :)
Shadowcat, you give rally good advice. Thanks for helping me with that weird thingy that was following me.
Nicole.... I can recommend this book for you : Teen Witch: Wicca For a New Generation By: Silver RavenWolf. This book will help you. It has alot of spells and rituals. And with this, you learn how to conduct rituals and spells in your mind, so your parents will NEVER suspect anything. And don't worry, a little birdy told me Nyx will come visit you... and she has forgiven you, since you have done nothing wrong. ^^^^^^^ Nyx told you herself, You are her daughter and always will be.
Thanks for the wonderful advice everyone. (:
i'm not so sure if i am one of nyx's children or not. i'm new to wicca and just like nicole i had came from a christian family but i've always thought that there was something off about the christian beliefs/ ways so then i started to think maybe i'm just not looking in the right place for what my place is in life and who i should follow. every night night i would sit in my room and read up on different religions and all through out my nights of studying i would feel like there was something at my window so i would look out the window, but there was nothing there but the night wind, at first i just kept ignoring it until one night while i was taking my dog out for a walk. i looked up at the half moon and took a deep breath cause i was so frustrated... theni felt it this strong jolt of cold wind, at first it frightened me so i called my dog and strted to head for my front door, but then another tril of wind came at me except this time it was alot calmer and it smelled sweet and crisp like fresh spring water... that night when i feel asleep i had a nightmare i was been chased by something i couldn't see and just when i felt like i had no hope i jumped into the air and instead of falling onto my butt i began to fly... i guess you could say that she was the wind beneath wings... i was just wondering was that really nyx or am i just going crazy
It does sound like your getting signals from a night detiy, but it's hard to say if it's Nyx or not. I suggest that you call to her and ask her if she is a goddess you should work with. In my experence if a god or goddess comes to you first or takes control of a ritual then they are someone you should work with. But that may not be your experence so I suggest that once you decide to do a ritual to speak with Nyx, to try and be aware of any messages she might send to you. I don't know how developed your psychic abilities are so if nothing happens during your ritual to let you know for sure if She is a goddess compatable with you, you should try to be aware of any messages after your ritual too. If it stayes unclear to you then you should continue to work with Her as long as it feels right to you. I hope you find the path that is right for you :)
thanks i'll do that
Everyone is part of Nyx. And from what I can tell you might have an Affinity for Air, just like I do!!! Congratulations. I'd be glad to explain it to you. Just inbox me if you have any questions.
i love my goddess. im even becameing a SOE
...how do you contact nym?ive wanted to for a while but i dont knwo how can u palease help me?

The way that I used to contact her before I lost my connection was very similar to how Christians seem to pray. Maybe because it is cuz I was raised Christian, idk.

 You dont even have to close your eyes, though its easier. You may want to have some paper where you can write the coversation...

 Just prokect her name. NYX,

And she will respond.

 Hope that helps.


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