Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

This is something I came up with on my own. A number of yrs ago, I got aggravated that others negativity was coming inot my house, apartment, etc. So, I decided enough was enough. Knowing that Labradorite is a wonderful grounding stone, I placed two small tumbled pieces. And placed them on the doorjam.Up on the wood above the door, one on the far left, one on the far right. This creates a nice grounding blanket, as I call it, that everyone HAS to pass through as they enter or leave. And WOW what a difference. If one of my friends, family member, etc. tried to come in with any attitude. It was gone, and or completely forgotten. Hope y'all try it. If ya do, let me know.
Blessed Be

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That is interesting. As a Paranormal Investigator I always stress to my team mates that they need to do an attitude check BEFORE entering, as well as after. I have been considering using salt across the thresholds of the places we go to in order to help short-circuit some of it. But maybe a strategic placement of Labradorite at our main portal in and out would work just as well.

What do you recommend to help us in sealing an area after we have cleansed it? I like to leave things behind that the people who are having experiences with can use. The problem is, it needs to be fairly basic. Even with the popularity of paranormal research, people are still slow to accept new ideas.
Here is on from our Voodoo friends. How about brick dust. Yes, red brick dust. The older the brick the better. All you do is spread on the threshold like the salt. It wirks. Anuyone or anything with mal-intent CANNOT cross. What is really cool ya don't have bless or consecrate dust. Just powder it and spread. Hope this helps.
I like that idea, and it happens that I have some bricks laying about doing nothing special.

What crystals or stones do you recommend for dealing with depression? Are there any?
There are a butt load..........The best happen to be pink. Kunzite, Rose quartz, etc......
I tryed the door-jam blanket trick with Kyanite (another one of those wonderful stones that doesn't need periodic cleansing). Works very well, especially with my cousins husband (i'm beginning to think he's a manifestation of his own negativity) the problem is is that although he's fine while their here, the second they leave he's back to being a major jerk. Also, twice now i've noticed that when he leaves one of the stones will fall off the door frame even though i have it kind-of wedged behind a nail. Anyone got any ideas?
Blessed Be
I used a jewelry making epoxy. My house is old so it doesn't matter if some one goes through the door the stones will fall for different reasons entirely. I also combined the stones with a salt line that might help too.
Awesome, I did a similar Grounding Blanket as you call it. I did a different one on both of the outside doors. I used hematite, obsidian, and a small carved jadeite elephant on one and citrine, hematite, and obsidian on the other. They work very well for me.


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