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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Has anyone heard any predictions for this year? I have heard that Sirius was directly over had on New Years, and there are six eclipses! I am not necessarily sure what this means, but it is said that this year will be a great one. It is an Ox year in Chinese, please correct me if I am wrong. I will be attending an astrology of 2009 meeting later this month and I will report my findings. I suppose we will just use this discussion for the topic of 2009 and events thereof, astrographically speaking that is.

Happy astrologizing everyone!

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2009 will be a big year! Six eclipses mean six kicks in the butt. The last couple of years we have been in a way preparing for these next few. It will be a bumpy ride, but sit tight it will all turn out well. Astrologically Obama was innagaurated at a great time, and his chart is somewhat similar to Lincoln's. Monday, January 26th is a Solar Eclipse and we will all get a hint at something that will help us through the bumpy times ahead, it's just a matter of remembering it!

Overall, in America it sounds like we couldn't have a much better president to help us through these rocky roads, as we do now. So good luck to everyone, and if there is anymore people have heard about this year, post it up here, I suppose this is a good place for it!

Gods bless!

P.S. There is some big stuff happening in Aquarius this year, I can't remember what exactly, but everyone should be aware of that in their own charts. Be also wary as to how the Saturn opposite Uranus square Pluto is going to affect you personally, those are powerful planets and somethings WILL be changing whether you like or not!


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